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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Wavy

  1. Wavy

    HITBOXES >:(

    Should be. HIGH
  2. Put a 10 minute timer on the supplier job, its for you to supply yourself and get off people just sit on the job and it's irritating.
  3. He should have to reapply instead of just coming out of hes closet.
  4. I agree I seen people killing each other just to get through cause some one can't crouch jump.
  5. This should be medium
  6. I thought the server was a sausage fest.
  7. There are a lot of ways to make fast money Not really best money maker is the processor and printers and everything else is small cash and how would you know pops you don't base.
  8. MILLION DOLLAR IDEA If you don't make this happen you gotta meet me in the bullpen with no equipment. You know how we have the general buyer to sell trash and some stuff from professor's ok what about that legendary you scared to use cause you think u might die with it and want to sell it to some user that's savage and will my idea is to make other NPC called General Seller. And he lets you have you're own marlet of weapons or anything to sell for you're own price like the app offerup, let's you add your own products and sell for any price bringing this to the game gives jobs better value like modifier cause you can get a legendary and sell it to someome without having to advert.
  9. Bro you sparked the stone cause that's a great idea.
  10. Next time you want to use screenshots of people try not using people names you blur them out cause thats petty asf and what if ceejay see this and it will be a shit storm on this post just because u used hes name and booper is doing big things the paper sucks my dude still love u tho
  11. I can't wait to see the legend back into action (alien rp) cya soon.
  12. Wavy


    I think my son mdantos is one of the best mods
  13. I'm glad I saw this post im about to tear onto some ass. Okay kalysta or blue tiger or w.e you call yourself you are litterly known for not taking sits so I take that hard to believe you was taking sits lmfao shut that shit up stop fake flexxing for the fourms lol. I believe when I made my application I said yes I will continue to rp and do you know how hard it is to watch a base and take sits, today I lost my base doing a sit and piixel come on dude you have a fire CC and 100m you have no reason but to take sits. And half the sits people be reporting be so dumb for example from this kid aand12 make a sit every TIME HE FUCKING DIES "RDM HALP" "WAVY CAN YOU COME HERE" then I get pms from people saying can you tp to me I need help and tell them make a sit then they dont make a sit then call me a shit mod like wtf. And for you eric broo you made you're sit like 2 times and here you are on the fourms moaning cause you couldn't get a simple sit taken and the sit was a misunderstanding ALOT OF YOU PEOPLE GOT YALL NERVS TO COMPLAIN @KALYSTA REALLY SHUT LIP U DON'T TAKE SITS AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE CAUSE WAVY SAID SO (stone cold) Me releasing anger from people and issue's felt like I had to say this stuff try yo best to understand me I get off topic and start talking everywhere.
  14. We see enough of dindu and the rest of those people, get some one good like neko, erston, wantednearby, valentine or sugar and if u really want people to read find zeshthedoge and ask him why he went rogue we want gold not trash but love the article big fan
  15. Jug is a tank that's Whats hes role is I suggest nerf the minigun or switch it with a different weapon maybe little bit less armor and also want to suggest increase the votes for jugg make it more harder to get.
  17. Glad you're having fun and sounds like a fun time can't wait to see you ingame
  18. This isn't a goodbye, It's a I will see you later so I see you later fam.
  19. +1 FOR THIS So many people do it, this is a must they be like "So what do pickolas cage do then" idk if I spelt that right (pickolas)
  20. You made this post cause you didn't get yo way *sigh* kids
  21. Bruh the tyler the creator album interview made me happy, I want a interview.
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