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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Wavy

  1. How tf do you even use the bitminer. very confusing to me
  2. Wavy

    im bakc

  3. DO THIS SUGAR. Who idea was it for the strip club, It should've been a casino.
  4. Yo tact sexy zaddy... share some of that ass loot.
  5. Add personally xp bars that let us unlock personal talents. When you fish you have small chances of catching a Common, Uncommon, Epic or Legendary weapon. Cause fishing is boring when you have no goal I want my goal to be catching a legendary random weapon. Since we drifting to a MMORPG which will be real nice let use do a type of War Of Warcraft type of thing you choose your weapon then you level up your personally xp and every few levels you get points that allow you to upgrade a weapon on ya cc but to start the weapon upgrading you gotta pay a large amount of money. Make a sign for terrorist after they kill someone it will come up on they top screen like the revolt do but it will say something like " You just died by terrorist , Go hide and try not to get found don't revenge. " Here is a idea that will make sense when you fishing in the sewer you have a bigger chance to catch boots or poop sweps you know trash weps. Make it to where the bank manager have to use the new building (bank) for the bank so that building actually have some purpose. This is a must to do I don't know why you sleeping on this but nerf the jugger his health is very ok but his weapon is over powered idk why you don't do anything about just simply slow down the firerate or just give him a weaker minigun cause jugger isn't a attack his a defence type of player take hits and make a open way for the rest of the cops to get through so please switch the jugger weapon. Can we have a better upgrade thing like from Call Of Duty it will say " GANG RANK 23 " I don't know but something better I don't know something for gang but for the personal xp if you add it give us the war of warcraft level up thing just go look at a video of someone leveling up on War Of Warcraft you see what im talking about.
  6. Application format Ingame name: Wavy Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198356315372/edit Previous gangs: LeBlanc & Leader Of Supreme Hours played: 784.14 Hours played past week: Gametracker score: 4616(Don't Use SBC Cannon) No Shade #4 GameTracker Age: 18 What can you provide regarding raids: I bring a 85% of a success rate in my raids, I bring the fire power the healing the what ever you assign me to do in this raid. If you need me to camp a base till the owner leaves I do it, if you need me to bribe my way into a base to get inside scoop i'm the guy. What can you provide regarding basing: I find myself a top builder. I can build in any area you need me to. One of the actual reasons I play gmod is to build I always love to see people do these amazing builds. My dupes are like 10% on loosing. So you got a 90% chance to defend off raiders. Do you use a mic: Yes, I use my mic the most if you piss me off. What is your favorite food: It have to be crabs with melted butter with smoke sausage's and if i'm feeling kinky chicken & waffles with tons of BACON!. What make you acceptable: Very loyal & Responsible. Like this one time I was basing with Tact & Piklas and as normal we was doing processor runs and I rounded all the processors up and start breaking them open (normal) then I accidentally hit a processor which made a chain reaction to blow most of them up. They both was saying it was no big deal and I offered to pay what I broke but the nice guys that they are they said they didnt want the money and just don't sweat it but I continued to offer my cash for the hard work they put in cause these guys raid 24/7 but this little thing shows why im loyal and responsible for my actions. TACT & PIKLAS can back this story up. If anyone have a beef with me in this gang lets put it to the side we can have a talk or something up to you.
  7. Supreme Wavy I never win giveaways
  8. PRESS PLAY TO GET THE FULL EXPERIENCE [video=youtube] WE ARE THE SUPREME EMPIRE AND WE ARE HERE FOR RECREATION. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1853/8307/products/supreme-skate-shop_2_2048x2048.png?v=1492232246[/img] We are the supreme empire and we are here for recreation. We are here to recreate this server for our desire. We are not a gang we are a empire, empire is a group of states or countries under a single supreme authority known as a empire. In this case other gangs and staff team will be under our authority. We have no issue to forcefully take our power or we can talk to some type of deal but our power will stay solidified. Any alliance will have to be negotiable and have the same vision as us. APPLICATION Make all answers in white. 1. What is you're ingame username: 2. How often do you play: 3. How do you feel about the empire intentions: 4. Why should you be accepted: 5. Do you desire power: 6. Do you have discord: If you are accepted to this empire you will have to listen to you're higher ups. You will need discord but a mic is not needed but you will need to pay attention. People that is in this empire are in my discord you will be sent a invite if you are accepted.
  9. I think that we should make it so the movie theatre can actually be used for youtube videos and such, with a job called the cinema owner that plays stuff for people. I understand that the cinema is a very popular base to have for people. However i think if this was implemented we would have a lot more activity in there. (of course we would need to make it so weapons arnt allowed inside) and you can do that on the server side. like actually take guns away from people temporarily when they walk into the cinema doors. Kind of a random suggestion bu t i thought it was a good idea. thanks so much for your time, Munkir I agree with this but not the guns part people in real life go into theaters with guns all the time. That's fucked up talking about the theater tragedy
  10. But it happen with me as a hobbo
  11. Wavy

    I Need A Break

    I hear you brother, everytime we in discord I hear you and the rage and the bullshit you go through and even try to push for you're promotion I honestly think you should be mod over ceejay no offense to him but if you ever need someone to talk to you know I got you with anything.
  12. This is me also shutup cr0w you bird yes this happens I changed my color multiple times making it black,pink and red but keep going back to yellow.
  13. Make it for only hobos to have the new donation box thing because it's a shit show whem everyone have it on every street corner.
  14. Till you figure out the backpack issue, let us pocket processor's for the time being with a "HE HAVE ILLEGALS" sign on top of our head.
  15. Make it were you fill up the potion table it cooks all the bottles itself so it makes it less stressful and good for making a store with it have people wait on they orders.
  16. Can you make it wwere the stone don't disappear when mining and up the price for wood & stone from 315 to 560.
  17. I agree its not nlr but you must've had ya gun out or something looking like u was about to revenge maybe.
  18. The mastersword nerf is dumb but did he even look at the jug minigun ?
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