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Golden Pup


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Golden Pup

  1. What I've been told that causes this is setting it where the processor is a fading door that stays faded, then they unfade it to get the stuff out.
  2. It's kinda like NITRP in how often it's used.
  3. What about the people that use "AFK is a form of LTAP"
  4. Banning for LTAP is so hazy unless it happens directly infront of you. When a sit sits there for awhile, the person may leave just because they have something come up or want to get off for the day. Another thing about LTAP I've come to dislike is that going AFK is a "form of LTAP." Just some little thoughts I've had on this topic. Would like to hear more opinions on banning for LTAP and what should be considered as actually leaving to try to avoid punishment.
  5. It like text screens, if placed over a world glow prop its hidden. The bad thing is when every base in crowded areas has world glowed props. I think the best fix is either what dima said, or make them glow like revolts.
  6. Bug Description: The indicator for terrorist does't show over world glowed props. The indicator being so annoying hard to see and not being able to be seen over world glows props makes it lead to a lot of people assuming RDM. (That combined with terrorist looking like black market dealers) How to reproduce: Position the indicator over a world glowed props Priority: Medium-High
  7. Can we talk about gang perks in the next meeting please?
  8. Change the way to mug to a chat command instead of going up and pressing e on someone, this leads to people doing it on accident for $0 ALL THE TIME.
  9. A rule should be added for people making sits about if they have no sound they should either make it where they can hear us or just not make the sit. If they could hear people over voice chat when they get RDMed/ whatever it is that happens to them, then they might not have made the sit to begin with. Also making a staff member and the another person in the sit type makes for longer sits, and if the server is full or near full, that can lead to a lot of back logged sits.
  10. I actually agree with this a lot. It's annoying when you make a base then a cop warrants you and destroys the whole base and you have to remake it. It's even more annoying when you're not staff or VIP so you can't save it then all of that work is wasted and you just get salty. Plus, CP proof doors are very strong cause of the reason of you cant battering ram it fast enough and usually cops dont always work together in raids. I dont think it should be 3 minutes though. I think it should be more of 20 seconds because the speed that the battering ram destroys props and the amount of cops that might be there with battering rams. But, other than that, great suggestion! The problem with 20 secs is the like 52 part fading doors or the 700 props stacked on one another Cops aren't supposed to raid alone, i.e. the call for back up system, so if there is 5 cops raiding one base and it lasts 3 minutes, well its not gonna take long for 5 cops to get through, not really fair for the base owner, it needs to be less than a minute at minimum.
  11. My favorite part is he has a +1 from a mod :)
  12. Make suggestions have their own area instead of one big thread? Good suggestions may have more feedback if people could see the suggestion as a subject header for a thread
  13. I'm gonna have to have a second neck surgery after that cringe.:huh:
  14. It's especially fun when you're the only staff on for hours and handle all the sits, and then another staff comes on and you finally think you're gonna get a break and then BEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEP at the very least code it so that it deactivates when there are more than say 3 staff on. "If playergroup.staff >= 3 Then timer.adminmodule =off" easy fix, make it go off after 15 or 20 minutes of not taking a sit, rather than 4. You can't even actually do a sit without it going off. If that's not annoying enough to get our attention it could go off every 5 after that, adding more beeps like it does. You could also have it stop counting if no sits have come up in x time, or more than x staff are on You legit can't role play for once without it annoying you to the point of logging off
  15. It's especially fun when you're the only staff on for hours and handle all the sits, and then another staff comes on and you finally think you're gonna get a break and then BEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEP
  16. The whole purpose of the 20 min cooldown is for the people that got raided to improve their base, fix what allowed the raiders to get in, if the raiders go back after 20 min and its unaltered, then 30 min wouldn't even help them
  17. Please remove John Cena or his chair, or fix his chair so it shows who threw it
  18. Make the area around NPC's impossible to kidnap
  19. If I hear that song I: 1. Inform party members 2. Book it the heck away from my stuff and 3. Get ready to shoot him when he appears Not any reason to get rid of the job considering you have probably a good 20 seconds to do all this.
  20. Make more specific sits, I've started ignoring sits that don't have detail, even in the motd to put specific sits. I've ignored your sits that have no detail and you went on go minge I'm OOC.
  21. Can we either get rid of terrorist or make them glow when there is a terror attack? Legit Wanted and ShardMario just killed like 30 people as terrorist and so many assumed it was just mass RDM
  22. Don't base with bad shots? Easy fix
  23. If you agree it does't happen over a case like this, why are you even commenting on it? The whole idea is it's cases like this.
  24. 1. If it goes out of the map it's gone and despawned 2. As Blacnova said it sets precident and 3. Why is this a justifiable use of noclip?
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