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Skillbie.THE COON�


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Skillbie.THE COON�

  1. @Sugar Tits Do you remember me THE COON and ItsANGG bro? How you been
  2. yeah I recommend not playing hackers aare on server rn its a reck
  3. +1 I agree as this has happened to me many times.
  4. Bug Description: The zip tie on the batman class doesn't work. Can we change them to handcuffs or something? How to reproduce: Try using the zip tie it don't do anything ;( Priority: (High, Medium, Low) LOW
  5. Hey sugar I'm playing again ;)))))))) So, I was wondering how do I get my custom classes back? < THE LAW> < AKBAR BITCHES> -sugar notice me senpai ily bb
  6. I just started playing again on Tits RP, I went offline after printing some cash with my boi Koala and jet joy ;) The same old same old. Log on to Tits Rp today around 4pm Eastern time to my 3,500,000 dollars being gone x.x, SUGAR BB fix this plz plz plz also ily :)
  7. Holy crap if this actually happened I want your babies. Crt if thats true im crying
  8. Honestly, i would never sell them to you even if it was 1 million dollars XD
  9. Im selling 2 classes. THE LAW AND NIGHT WATCH! Both classes= 100$ FOR NIGHT WATCH= 65$ The Law= 85$
  10. I will be starting to be more active again starting tmrw. SEE ya all tmrw
  11. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE -ChucklesTheTrafficCone
  12. NO crt remember he broke in are house without calling raid and blew up all of are printers and disconected 20+ printers
  14. finally SAD. i never really knew you but RIP! :huh:
  15. and how would the miners even GET up there...? i found them there idk
  16. UMM president my bit miners were stolen then i found them and started using them up there AND.. i wasnt the one raiding...
  17. YES, but the elastic cuffs do need editing and they dont pull as good as they use too. They can pull away and it doesnt pull them that good.
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