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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. They will glow the red props and have a fence so they have a good general idea of where to shoot feel me.Its the same concept.Either remove it entirely along side the c4 or keep it has it is.I would keep it has it is.
  2. How much money did you spend during this one raid? 600k for the c4 and then the smoke + you need a custom class with cloak, if this is your argument you're basically saying raiding is "pay-to-win". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQSdXRlGh_g&feature=youtu.be THATS WHY C4 ARE IN THE GAME.Either make em cost less or just remove the c4 along with the 1 ways.Cause its either 1 ways with c4 or no c4 and no one ways Making C4s cheaper would unstabalize the game and the economy. You're trying too hard to tip the scale in favor of the base owner, and I can appreciate that, but it's too hard of an "in favor of". I believe making props that can be shot through not allowed with one-ways to be very fair, along with the fact that base owners can still have bases with one-way props, just without the ability to shoot through them. This is actually very fair, as it keeps the balance tipped in favor of the base owner, but not so harshly that it's a game of cat and mouse. More of a game of dog and cat, where the cat can fight back, but the dog has an advantage. People are going to do this instead http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=935746809
  3. How much money did you spend during this one raid? 600k for the c4 and then the smoke + you need a custom class with cloak, if this is your argument you're basically saying raiding is "pay-to-win". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQSdXRlGh_g&feature=youtu.be THATS WHY C4 ARE IN THE GAME.Either make em cost less or just remove the c4 along with the 1 ways.Cause its either 1 ways with c4 or no c4 and no one ways
  4. You can't base the decision of the rule based on a poll alone.
  5. That means you're the type of guy who raids a really good base.. Its a really good base for a reason Making a "Really good base" is insanely easy all you need is some fences and world glow. anyone with half a brain can make a base in 10 mins that is basically unraidable by using world glow fences. basing should be balanced. right now someone can destroy a team of 5 raiders with a base that took 10 mins to make by using world glow and having a props so only their head is showing. basing/raiding is not even close to being balanced. You are telling me that 5 guys with a strategies with c4'sblowtorches cloaker+Smoke grenades can't raid 1 baser ? -Done-
  6. I'm confused in how is it not fair for the "Raiders" To lose a 1 vs 5 ?.Just use c4 correctly time it correctly using smoke grenade+cloak shove a c4 in after the first one then you are literally in the base at that point everyone swarns in afterwards and boom raid finish you win the "1vs5' You're just bad if you think cinema in unraidable
  7. #2 was my original idea for the nerf
  8. How is this more fair for raiders ? LOL The whole point of nerfing one ways was to make raiding more easier for the raiders,now its just completely fucking op.There is 0 fighting chance against this.If you make this kind've base not legal then its going to make CC's overpowered since they can raid easily. Has a builder and a farmer I find this very very very OP. This is going to make large factions like LeBlanc 100000000x stronger.
  9. Nah, that's just from all that Anal Savage.
  10. Dad gave me permission. No weebs allowed. I made you bitch don't you dare kick me out ! :3
  11. Excuse you sir? Its a fucking Weeb Zoo. You motherfucker.I'll remember this.
  12. Fucking dank edit man nice, only one problem WHERE IS MY FAGGOT HOUSE !
  13. The proper word is Moist. KYS MOIST THATS NOT FUNNY Ok its a little funny
  14. bruh. What you saw earlier was nothing. I think sugar is going to find a way to remove the recover by adding something to the vip but not sure yet https://gyazo.com/41e40c435f28db46552d740e39118466
  15. zesh i'm 90% sure sugar already disabled all the chairs in the server
  16. Yeah like a aa-12 but not completely op !
  17. From all of the pd raids I've done/getting raided by the pd i can safely say that yes in my personal opinion the juggernaut is a little 2 overpowered. His fire rate is literally f*cking insane. The 300 armor is fine in my opinion because its a juggernaut its suppose to be tanky but i feel like the fire rate is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 2 fast.You have literally no fighting chance against em.Even if you are 2-3 he can mow you down so easily its not even fun. Solution: Drop his fire rate by half and give him more armor. If you personally think that its not op then comment and explain why. I'd love to hear your suggestions !
  18. I respect sugar for his hard work and dedication toward the server.But if i can't get my money back because of a fuck up I'll be pissed lol
  19. Could you please re-roll my money back to 24-25m I lost ALL my money and i'm very very mad about it.I asked sugar to add the slappers/molotov to my cc and he did.Once I logged in i had 30k.I stayed in the server thinking that it might come back it never did.I relog and have 6K !!!!!!..........Please fix
  20. Do you try to spell better too? xD only teasing yeah leeroy, try a little hard but remember you all volunteered and were chosen to be staff, with out you guys we have a bunch of minges and a dead server. Meanie :(
  21. dam you are 100% right..... I am one of those people...... Has a new t-mod I see my self already doing that and I'm sorry for it.I will honestly try my best to become a better staff !
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