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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. Its normal hes a french canadian its in our blood to piss people off ;)
  2. What the actual fuck am i watching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  3. We already have done this.Its a no for the ban of 1 ways. INSTEAD of going after 1 ways go after the thing that is making 1 ways op. -Crouch bases -Op megabases -And more
  4. don't worry they are a bunch of hoes without any importance. because they are my slaves.
  5. jigsaws aren't allowed to destroy entities while tp'ing 2 someone
  6. if you don't wanna revert the c4 to what it used to be do you mind making it so the ghost last for a little bit longer ? And the Glow does not work at all on anything from what i've seen.
  7. In my opinion crouch bases is the second more cancerous thing when raiding a base.First thing is that you can't keep entities after a DC.
  8. Because i want to justify my points.Give has much details has possible so we take the best decision
  9. Buying c4 and blowtorches.
  10. Wait, does the old c4 just blast props into oblivion? If so then that would be quite epic instead of the ghosting of props. It unghost the props.Making it floppy like when you raid has a CP with battering rams
  11. I'm sorry, but no. Saying only the king can make the gate has some logic to it, but it's honestly not even a good rule. There is no gain from only the king being able to make the gate, zero benefits. Are you serious? TitsRP has always been extremely lenient towards building, just because a poll to remove one-ways fails, doesn't mean you should just go after other aspects of our basing code, please stop. Bruh. That is ridiculous, you can't just ban a base. The only way I would accept this rule is if we got a cinema plugin, which is useless in my opinion. Eh, sure I'll say we can keep one-ways, I'd rather completely get rid of them. But it's no big deal if we keep them. I like them if I'm being honest. I want this feature ridiculously bad, Sugar please. No, god no, old C4 was cancer. The fact that the only reponse you can give me is "Its always been like this lets not change it" is boggling my mind 1 why i want king to only be the one making the entrance its to make it less op.10 people mega basing with 150+ props is unraidable add a crouch only base and you got cancer. 2.Does not mean something has been the same way for ever thats its good.Crouch bases are extremely cheap and op. The fact that we can build a base in a theater is retarded.We shouild add a job that is using the theater.Not base in it. I agree and disagree with reviving the old C4,Id say instead of reviving it make it so it ghost's the props for a longer period of time
  12. Instead of fighting i got a solution : Only the king should be allowed to make the entrance for the mega base. Remove crouch only bases.(You can have places where you crouch but it needs to be somewhat not often) Not allowing people to base in theater Keep 1 way's Make it so we can keep printers after a dc Make c4 like it used to be (Unfreeze the props that exploded).If not make it that it ghost's for atleast 20-30 seconds
  13. Either this or totally eliminate one-ways. otherwise basing is way too easy. I agree with you
  14. Instead of fighting i got a solution : We should remove 1 ways in megabases.That shit is 2 op imo Remove crouch only bases.(You can have places where you crouch but it needs to be somewhat not often) Not allowing people to base in theater Keep 1 way's Make it so we can keep printers after a dc Maybe even buff a little bit c4's so the props stay ghosted for a bit longer.
  15. Quarell the reason why raiding for the intent of stealing entities not worth is because the person can just log off and everything is gone.A fix to this would be able to keep the printers after a log and attach the SteamId of the user to the printer so they can't dupe em
  16. That's not really the issue. One base defender, if they have one-way propped fences, can crush even 10 people. That's the problem I believe exists. Otherwise, I agree with you, one defender should not be able to defend against 10+ people, but they can. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 people can win agaist 1.Your point is ? C4 is needed to raid ? no shit it is required.But not all base are like theater. And even theater can be raided with proper strategies resources
  17. So what do you think should be done about this sug ?
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