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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. Why would anyone want to buy swep nearly costing as much as c4 and isnt advantageous unless you mean medical vape.
  2. Good point that is why we need to buff the jug since all cp classes' hitboxes are not broken.
  3. +1 k cube Really great suggestion, must have imo. Would be excelent if it had a zesh event suggested
  4. Pretty good, would be great if suggested the sugar npc.
  5. I think the only thing people want rn is a sugar npc
  6. "I am getting on my alt to play on the server named Kotos" -Blacnova
  7. Wow trying to loophole to get around the rules, what a zesh move.
  8. Make an RDMrp server that lets you spawn with your cc.
  9. Last time I copied and pasted it to people they got pissed and said I was advertising Lol
  10. Add a npc that will give you non money rewards for catching a specfic fish.
  11. Please yoobear he is already nerfed as he is, he needs to be the fastest cp as well as have buff to their health and amour.
  12. It's being reworked. If you check the Trello there's info on it. It may be a long ways off before its ready, though. Add sugar npc and buff jug I agree 100% and we should give all cp the kiss/rape swep. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247434867527122945/439154854049480704/8305eea8a34ed88d329c01bca47508a3.png
  13. Please Maverick this is a serious dark rp server which includes the forums, smh
  14. he has 29 also taconibble is a great name don't let them offend you damn i see he is trying to race wantednearby to 50 warns.
  15. Just get your dad to drive you to discord hq so you can listen to the meeting.
  16. Wow griffen wouldnt do that and that is why he is a better mod then you smh.
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