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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. But it list Aziz as zek's alt account on steam rep.
  2. Well you didnt know zek then, becuase he begged for -1 rep and then bragged about. I did actually, but I only knew him in-game. He was an alright Bounty Hunter/ kept to himself before all the drama that made him a meme. Well he may been alright ingame, but im not sure about out of game. https://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/76561198093589043-zek.5356/
  3. Well you didnt know zek then, becuase he begged for -1 rep and then bragged about.
  4. Yea i know, but i dont think it wouldnt be fair to add more health on a larger pm if their hitbox is bigger as well
  5. Bro people with money will get mad advantages over others thats not fair for them.Pm specially should be set to have all or very similar hit boxes and sizes to make it fair for everyone Plus it would be nice having more health on a larger than normal pm, also i agree to what you said.
  6. dang that is a lot more, i dont know i feel its pretty fair just adjusting their max health because you are less likely to hit them compared to one with a normal size pm in my opinion.
  7. Cost more what, and how much more?
  8. If their is pm larger than the normal size will you increase their max health?
  9. aww i wish you did it one minute later i was going to put the superman swep in my inventory lol
  10. but its isnt a bug, they are using Stealth camo You're not supposed to be able to hide an obvious red reskin, it's exploiting. I was informed it will be fixed on next reset. Ohh ok, i was just saying sugar said it was fine to use durring revolts That he did say, you're right ? Yea but he may have meant it was ok to use until he patched it, idk .
  11. but its isnt a bug, they are using Stealth camo You're not supposed to be able to hide an obvious red reskin, it's exploiting. I was informed it will be fixed on next reset. Ohh ok, i was just saying sugar said it was fine to use durring revolts
  12. but its isnt a bug, they are using Stealth camo
  13. I pm sugar and he said it was ok to do it. Sure
  14. Maybe there is different chances for different guns becuase i got 2 consecutive legendaries for the same gun.
  15. True maybe they should change the the rebel's job into soviets class or add them as another gang class.
  16. make it last 10 minutes out of every few hours or something Or make it random event that could happen anytime.
  17. well he is the ONLY person that can do anything about it so you have to wait.
  18. You could try to delete all of your addons in your addon folder, then reinstall all your addons.
  19. "Making public threads that could be PMed to one person (e.g, CC problems) - 1 week warning for 50% on the first offense, leading up to a ban after several offenses." -forum rules
  20. Nah it would make sense to increase it for today because of the increase in demand.
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