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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by strive

  1. Lmao, this was lit. The only time that class will ever be used for anything other than RDM
  2. Welcome! Looking forward to seeing you around :)
  3. ^This I just don't think Moderator should be given purely based on numbers. As long as we have active head admins (which now we do) tmods will get recognized. And me and Dimitri were promoted days before the implementation of this program by head admins. Edit: In staff meetings we could have a segment dedicated to giving credit to tmods who are doing a good job
  4. No nukes are underpowered. I think we actually need a buff for nukes. They aren't good enough /s
  5. I agree, as someone with 700 sits who was promoted roughly 4 days ago. It just doesn't feel fair, I feel like the Moderator rank should be earned, not automatically granted.
  6. I've seen ya around, welcome to the server :)
  7. So this is the face of a registered sex offender
  8. PLEASE. The new system is not too good. Confuses young ones The ShowNLR is actually super useful to staff in the sense that it shows you where people died, which is good overall because sometimes people lie about where they died. However the NLR bubble docking 20 HP is stupid. Also I will try to clarify with TMod's on when NLR actually applies, which they should know from !motd, but I will make an effort to tell them.
  9. Staff is not and will never be able to take every sit. It's as simple as that
  10. I think we've met. But welcome!
  11. Have a fun time! Nights are going to be more chaotic for awhile but you deserve a break.
  12. Hi welcome to the server! Best of luck on your future staff application!
  13. strive

    Idea for mods

    As dindu said nights are always tough, I have a kind of odd proposal that might work however. We could try recruiting tmods that are from Australia, or Europe. So we have an even balance of staff during the night and day.
  14. I used to have this opinion, but then police wouldn't really ever have a legitimate reason to raid. But I do 100% agree that so many Police raids are just random warrants, and when I take a sit that involves a false Police raid, it's incredibly messy to sort out. I'd like to think there's a better system that could be implemented, but I really don't know what that would be without either making police raids never happen, or constant false police raids. Not sure, just a thought but one way to remedy this would allow police to see printers through walls. However I see how this could be abused, so perhaps the police would only be able to see the printers within a relative proximity, and temporarily with some sort of scanner swep that only certain cp would have (police chief, swat members, etc. Kind of like a "signal interruptor" that picks up on the trail of a printer. Just a thought, maybe someone can improve on this idea and make it a workable thing Yeah the proximity thing's a good idea, maybe a printer proximity scanner. Or something like that, where it draws a line to the printer, so that you know exactly which house, but a printer silencer also makes it invisable to the scanner.
  15. I used to have this opinion, but then police wouldn't really ever have a legitimate reason to raid. But I do 100% agree that so many Police raids are just random warrants, and when I take a sit that involves a false Police raid, it's incredibly messy to sort out. I'd like to think there's a better system that could be implemented, but I really don't know what that would be without either making police raids never happen, or constant false police raids.
  16. I've been abused by Neko, it's a loving abuse.
  17. strive

    No Owner

    I thought this was a catholic only server.
  18. I know, but it is really annoying to know that he got unbanned to annoy more people... I have been unbanned. I was banned initially for a week for deleting world props, the ban expired in like Feb You also made a giant penis and were propushing it inside and out of the PD whilst people asked you to stop because you were blocking the doorway. Comical, but that was mingy.
  19. Some fun moments with you, if you want to resign feel free too. Hopefully you'll return to the server though. You were a fun player.
  20. Personally, I think you're a good mod. At least in the sits that I've been in with you. I like you as a player as well though, as long as you're not leaving the server entirely, if you think it'd be more enjoyable to no longer be a mod, then you can resign. I however don't think you should resign based on the votes of other people, and that's why I voted no. But no matter what decision you make, I really hope you stay on the server.
  21. Female? Where??? Jokes aside Hi and welcome
  22. Hi, So I bought a CC, and have access to the CC "Wubba Lubba Dub Dubs", but it came to my attention that the person with editing rights, and who owns the CC got pemanantley banned. So I was just wondering if it would be okay if I could be moved to having ownership of the CC, since currently no one that has a slot in the CC has made a request for the owner slot. I will not remove anyone from the CC, as that would be CC scamming and I would expect nothing but a permanant ban. User who currently owns the CC: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198135402370/ ^ User's Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:87568321 My Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198267746608/ My Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:153740440 Thanks for reading :)
  23. i'm sure its already been mentioned, and if it has just count this as a +1. But a hospital would be a great idea, and maybe make the respawn time 10-30 seconds, with a Paramedic class. 10-30 second respawn time because I realize this is not a serious RP server. But the dynamic of a Paramedic class just seems cool.
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