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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by HotShot26

  1. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do

    if ( v:Alive() ) then

    print("you are alive")

    elseif (v:Alive() ) == false then

    print("you died")






    Can anyone identify what this does? I have just coded it and it works ;)




    I do not code lua but I assume it says you are dead or alive?

  2. This thread is more of, "I never get my way, so this server is poop."


    If we backed up you, would that be biased?  You never present evidence and if we are going by what you are stating then technically we are being biased towards you.

    The reason you never get your way is because you never present any evidence.  We can't really help you unless you present the situation clearly and back it up with statement.


    Many of the mods are pretty obviously friends with each other or seem to +1/-1 based on stupid reasons or they dont even state a reason for +1/-1ing in the actual post. The whole thing with Geanie is a pretty good example. He got reported by like 3 people and a Tmod without much evidence but there was some log evidence of propminge and advdupe abuse. He later abused commands in an event and tped me then damaged me. I was unable to make a report at the time annd could not access logs to get evidence of the TP abuse/damage so I asked a mod for help. The report then got denied for "witch hunt" despite the fact that there was solid log evidence of wrongdoing and a long history of abuse/demotions. He has been a Tmod for quite a while now and has been demoted before and paid for mod.

    Well I agree with geanie if we are being honest, all staff are not perfect, you should have took a screen shot of the deny message and made a report talking about the context

    I do have to agree not all staff are good but unless you report them you are also not helping the situation. If we are being honest, I have no personal grudge on you and I hope after this you can behave and not hate my but you need to do your part on bad staff and you also need to accept if you do something wrong. Sugar can not find all badmins if you reported him it would help you and the server.

  3. It doesn't work like that. All staff have their OWN opinion. If they believe that they should -1 then they will -1. Its their decision. Sure there can be complications with friends, but not all staff are friends. We respect each other, as it is needed for the job. But respect and friendship are far apart. If you did something wrong, and get +1 for ban or demote or whatever, than thats your own fault. Don't pin it on friendship and bias crap because it isnt gonna get you anywhere.


    You literally noclipped through a wall and deleted an ent as mayor. Fuck off.


    Did you really -1 him for leaving his opinion a post?

  4. Are you reporting a staff member?


    Are you trying to tell us as a whole about the staff team?


    How many staff member are on during the time?




    On a whole...  Yes the staff team is not perfect.  That is why we always are in a need to accept new staff. There is 2 types of staff members.  


    • There are the staff members that just apply for the rank and care a little bit about the server.  These staff members only take sits that involve there friends either getting trouble or they're having a problem with someone.  They also take sits that they are involved in.  Overall they role-play more than they staff on the server. If you do see that a particular staff member is role-playing more than staffing, then please report them.  
    • Then there is staff members that go beyond the expectations.  These are the staff members that you mainly see in sits and are answering questions in OOC.   They usually have a really high sit count and are mainly responding to reports/ban appeals.  They also treat everyone equally and have a unbias opinion.  These are the staff members that you want on the server.

    If there are a few staff members online (1-3) on a pack server, try not to expect a sit right away.  If you don't get a respond after a good 5 minutes, make another sit.  This is because the sit eventually goes away.  If after 5 sits becomes a problem, then report them either the staff member that is not claiming sits or report the player that is breaking the rules.

    I feel like I was reading the bible

  5. Bounties work kind of like Warrants. CPs have reasonable cause to detain someone with an Active Bounty and can fine them 10% of their Bounty. For example, if someone has a Bounty for 100,000, the CPD can fine them 10% of their Bounty, which would be 10,000. If they cooperate, the 10,000 is split between all On-Duty CPs and the CP can undetain them and clear their Bounty by setting it to 0. That's probably why they changed your payment to 1/10, which is actually more than CPs get paid because you're getting all of that money for yourself. And, to my knowledge, you get a Bounty from a CP because CPs create bounties, as well as some auto-logging for major incidents to keep it consistent.


    Love this but you can fine 100% of the bounty.

  6. From my understanding a revolt is just so you can kill the mayor. If you want to rob the PD bank you have to advert a raid. 


    Now I also believe that the same 20 minute cool down does not apply to the PD the PD has its own 15 minute cool down and the rules say they can not go back and try again right away. They must wait and try again later. 

    No specific cooldown besides the cool down for the actual bank. 


    Aswing revolt rules and pd raiding rules would be amazing. 


    Basically this:


    You can only raid the PD of the cooldown on the PD bank is over and ready to raid. 


    You have to wait 15 minutes before you can attempt to raid the PD bank again. 


    You can only revolt if you give an RP reason.


    I do not like law #8

    You taxed us



    Any of these or all of these would be great rules to be added just to clear up some grey areas.


    100% what I was thinking rules like that

  7. I'm confused about your question, what does the PD have to do with raids?


    Does going the the PD during a revolt count as a pd raid, meaning can they raid the PD after going in on the revolt.

  8. So I got in a sit and was wondering because in the MOTD there is no section on the revolt so I just wanted to ask for the MOTD:


    Raiding Cooldown: There is no cooldown but you cannot raid the same person again within 20 minutes is in the MOTD


    So if this is the case can you raid after going in the PD during a revolt? the word revolt is in the MOTD 0 times so I think this needs to be updated.

  9. Cullen wrong format on a discussion forum.






    also no this is bad, b0ne did say sorry but he kind of needs to know the rules, in the MOTD it says warns can be verbal or adverted...

  10. oml I thought u was gonna post some dramatic thing about how your gf left you or some shit but nah I click the post and get this lmfao... I would put this to high because the server now knows about it and everybody gonna be tryna do it


    I'm also single so if u wanna meet up sometime ;)



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