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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by HotShot26

  1. Exploit



    Description: as jigsaw you can TP away from an admin when frozen with the admin stick


    How to reproduce: freeze a player with the admin stick and make him tp as jigsaw 


    Priority: Low.

  2. Eh no, Pippy was feeling offended cause Quarel was flaming him and he wouldn't stop. He was sending pippy DM's and arguing with him for a good 15 - 20 minutes and everytime pippy talked quarrel told him to shut up. Pippy reported it, showed sugar, and sugar demoted him


    Bull. they were not PMS it was a public discord xd.

  3. Yea I got demoted, want to hear how? It all started on steves discord when he made a new section called "Arguments" and I was having fun flaming Pippy, my dude lost so bad in the fight he reported me to sugar to make himself feel better, lmao, trash.

  4. -Your Steam + Ingame name: Quarel Polinese

    -Your Hours: Alot (300+)

    -Why you will be worthy to be in my gang: I was admin on your server <3, in all seriousness the family feeders need to live strong

    -What will you bring to it: Myself, duh.

  5. Holy shit is this like one of those wanted posters but instead it's like "WANTED: SOURCE OF CRASHES, $50 REWARD FOR CAPTURE."


    Get.... the.... fuck.... off.... of...... this.... server...... now.......




  6. Pippy not all of these are reports, He may be asking a question, but if this is the case you should not be making post about one person, UNLESS you are asking everyone as a whole to give feed back on an issue.


    This issue I would have to say Issac did nothing wrong because he CAN TAKE HIS OWN SITS. His job is to keep the server clean, he is smart enough to do that himself.

  7. I don't think any of of you have given a reason why you don't like CP basing. All you have said is "We don't like it". Why don't you like it? It's doesn't hurt anyone. CP can be creative and live in a house if they want + you can raid them. I don't see why you're all so against it.


    CP don't have to base, it's just an option for them to do

    Mayors assassin can not kill the mayor easily, the man does not get keys to the mayor personal home and only the PD. This makes mayors last  lot longer and limit the amount of people that can have fun as that job.

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