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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by HotShot26

  1. I think you guys are missing the point of this post.


    This post is because WEREPUPP WOLFY helped this guy in such a good and amazing way that he thinks he should be promoted for it.


    Are we just going to promote WOLFY right now, no.


    Are we going to take this into consideration once we do a voting for him to become a full Moderator in 1-2 weeks, 100% yes.


    Thank you for your feed back autistic tootsy, I also believe he is an amazing Trial Mod and should be promoted soon.


    BTW he got promoted this morning at 10AM I finished my training with him at 10:30AM


    OR he can just be his friend thinking we will promote on the spot ;^)

  2. Just a few suggestions...



    Hazmat was a great idea, but it's too boring and repetitive which is why nobody plays it.

    How about making a parent job to it (say CDC Scientist) that develops vaccines and cures for multiple different diseases and sells them to the public? It doesn't have to be just ebola.


    Food service jobs? Why don't we actually use hungermod, which is disabled by default in DarkRP.


    Wallet should have a cap, say $20,000. Any more than that gets put into an account at the bank, and the bank manager makes profits by investing players' money. He can also pay bank guards / tellers to protect the bank from raids.

    This would help keep the economy balanced. If the bank manager fucks up and loses all the player's money, then they have to actually work again to make the money back. Of course, it wouldn't be all the money, but a significant potion of it should be allowed to be invested, leaving some for security. There are people running around with millions of dollars and all they do is raid people, which is really fucking annoying. I personally as a player hate raiding. I've never raided a single person on this server in the almost 100 hours I have on it, yet the only legitimate way to make money is to be a CP, which still involves a lot of raiding...


    Bus / taxi drivers (other jobs shouldn't be allowed to spawn cars, but Taxi drivers should be able to spawn a car for a price and drive people around to make a profit)


    Code Enforcement. The mayor could be able to make laws about how you build a base and code enforcement can fine people for violating the code.


    Mailman - delivers advertisements and packages (shipments for example) to people for a price.


    Teacher / students - not sure how effective / enforceable this would be though... Maybe someone has an idea for it.


    Janitors - clean up blood stains from the streets and patch bullet holes for payment, answering to the mayor.


    Farmer - grow crops to sell to restaurants to make food.

    These ideas are great

  3. I saw the ban appeal you posted.


    I was originally gonna post it in that thread, but I figured it might not be the best idea since it isn't completely relevant to your scenario, I wasn't there, and I'm not staff. It's not exactly shit-posting, but it is a bit opinionated.


    Here's my thoughts:


    Where does it say that specifically arresting a fellow officer is against the rules? Why is that assumed automatic RDA? I'm not on either side here because it seems there is no evidence either way. I just thought that bit was interesting because police are NOT above the law and I myself definitely will detain, and if necessary arrest, ANYONE that is abusing their role as a protector of civilization, although I do try to demote them first. And usually I only have to do this when there is no staff on. And before you rage at me for doing that, I'm not just gonna sit there and tolerate it and record it to report hours after its already over. Not meaning I won't do that also as I have been, I just prefer to look for ways to handle situations in the moment. Evil succeeds when good people do nothing. This is why irl we have thousands of videos popping up each year of police abuse and murder because nobody wants to put themself at risk to try and fight it BEFORE it becomes a tragedy. Except me apparently.. sorry for the rant.


    As for what happened according to staff, it does LOOK like Mass RDA, but based on your side of things, it SEEMS to me that it COULD be possible you were trying to re-arrest a bunch of escaped prisoners?


    But I have questions for you:


     • Were there a LOT of players on, or just a handful?

     • How many staff were on? a lot or a few?

     • Were the arrests all at the same time?

     • WHY WHY WHY did you LEAVE if you knew you were being reported?

    From what I have gained from being staff to estimate:


    70% of players play without knowing the rules.

    27% are regulars that know the rules.

    2% just minge.

    1-3% just like to mass RDM/RDA


    Of the bans for arresting cops it is usual FAILRP and common sense issues.



    Most of the RDA reports even the COP ON COP crimes are just people arresting the people closest to them for the sake of doing so.

  4. 3 no love for steve, too kinda bad but not really bad but still kinda bad.



    Hope we have a better bunny hunting season then last year, I did not see the rabbit once.

    • Like 1
  5. That was 100


    If you read I said my brother turned off my WIFI.

    PART 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYFc-ipAhVQ


    (I hope my brother does not fuck this up)

  6. I would like to say parties can not be an RP situation enough to get involved and counter here is why: So if one party member in party A starts a hit on a member in party B with this rule this puts the parties at war because they are ALL trying to counter the hit or help the hit.






    If A member in party A starts a PD raid the cops can arrest the other party members without them raiding the PD.



    If there was a rule saying parties are not RP relations and NOT ENOUGH TO COUNTER:


    It would enable more serious RP

    It would make less player RDM reports on a party member countering

    It would solve many loop holes like the ones above

    It would make it more fun and seem more like role play and not get RDM'd | CALL ADMIN | REPEAT.

    • Like 1
  7. Ah, I see you're a man of slavic as well. Welcome to Titsrp comrade, we could always use more drunk slavs to be cannon fodders for the sake of communism!


    Where did all the communism flags and jokes come from? they are getting more and more common and I do not like it.

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