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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. Bug / Exploit Description: Bludgeon is able to kidnap from all angles instead of just the back. I tested it with City Boy. How to reproduce: Get bludgeon, whack someone. Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Medium - high, this shit is a little bit broken and has potential to just make everything unfun
  2. Just start a roast thread. Or start your own thread and ask for feedback/comments.
  3. Could have sworn I suggested this before but I guess I just didn't post it. This could be something like !warns where it'd show separate lists for warns, kicks, and bans. I feel like this would go a long way towards getting minges off the server, if someone's been banned for mass RDM twice before we could add a [Perma Requested] to the ban or something.
  4. Very annoying. People have told me it will sometimes not allow them to stack props OUTSIDE of each other.
  5. Race, I told you before about shit posting. If that's the how to reproduce section, then why don't you hop on the server and reproduce it right now? If this ever happens again check your console or lua errors.
  6. Bug / Exploit Description: Mayor's assassin is not demoted after killing the mayor, and can demote the new mayor right away if they do not switch off. I would suggest demoting the assassin 30 sec after the mayor gets demoted to let them get out of the PD/situation. How to reproduce: Have player be mayor, another player mayor's assassin. Assassin kills mayor and demotes, new mayor is elected. Assassin can kill the mayor the moment the election ends and the mayor will be demoted. Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Low...medium...? It kind of cripples the CP when you can't warrant or have good defenses.
  7. I can confirm that this bug is still around.
  8. The player limit isn't there for memes, you know. Once sugar implements some form of AFK manager, full server will be less of an issue
  9. Your definition of fair is very, very, very skewed. I dunno, man. It's apparently very, very skewed but not skewed enough that you can explain why it's skewed. @sugar Seeing the taxes laid out like that makes me feel a lot better about it.
  10. Dunno about this one. I feel like that would make the battering ram too op.
  11. Make it so mayor can fire any cop, not just the ones within a dicklength.
  12. buff loadsamoney A melee weapon should be better than fists, even if slightly PLUS IT IS MEME
  13. Being able to scam is ridiculously stupid, but it is in no way unfair. Literally every single person is allowed to do it equally.
  14. 1. I agree, and if ANYBODY gets to block it off it should be hobos only. The proper punishment guidelines only talks about the drug zones right now so I think it's hobos only since only they can build outside of an owned property, but if an admin+ would like to prove me wrong and say nobody's allowed I would be 100% okay with that. (Except exempt mega bases for blocking these off, obviously) 2. As far as I know, you can't really build on the road. Most people don't care, but some do and it isn't allowed. 3. Not sure if I agree. Do you mean blocking other people's shit or your own? 4. This Walther sounds like an asshole. I think he was definitely scamming though. But everybody told him that scamming is allowed so he set up a stand and is currently making a metric butt load (imperial shit load) of money. Don't ruin it for Walther. 5. Perhaps. The thing that would make NPCs great again is writing checks instead of dropping lods of emone 6. Is it really gone, or is some dummy staff messing with it?
  15. Couldn't you make it drop a check instead? I +1 Piggy's suggestion, if it's possible to do something like that. I had to stop building blowtorch defenses once I learned what C4 does to them.
  16. Nonlethal rifle acts as a taser, it limits movement for a few seconds. I want to say like 10. I like our current system of it "maybe" stunning people, it gives them a chance to run or fight back and doesn't make CP this overpowered job, especially since most of the jobs are non-vote. Nonlethal takes SMG ammo.
  17. Can confirm, bug tested with him. Walking out of spawn and re-entering does not fix the issue either. Something changes when you "respawn" or isn't present or something.
  18. If mayor fires someone, make it so they can't switch for 5 minutes/until the mayor gets demoted
  19. You got mod less than a month ago man, calm down. :^)
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