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Mi cara


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Mi cara

  1. So i wanted to cleanup my inventory, and found out that most of my stuff hasn't even a price in the general buyer, and the ones that do are normal weapons and some weird ones like the wabbajack are worth $333, So i'd ask updating the prices for more items, (um sugar i also have a question, how tf did i get a nyan gun in my inventory)
  2. I agree, The power generators run out of fuel extremely quickly as well... You will constantly have to be putting fuel in as it consumes so much at such a fast rate. improvement needed. I agree, but i don't see the generators as a big deal, it's not like you're forced to fill them every minute.
  3. This weird glitch happens sometimes when you look up as the new police k9 job. (dont fix it, it's awesome) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=958243104
  4. Doug you didn't close this thread wut Wait i tried to close it and it didn't work
  5. I made this big pile with all the shit i didn't want from the processor http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=923162641
  6. i've tried it before, months ago and it has happened recently too, he won't take anything... ta da
  7. kk boi thread closed then What, i tried to close thread and i didn't, o shit
  8. Mi cara

    Perma prop

    Bug / Exploit / Quality of Life Description:So, this guy placed this prop A LONG time ago (some months) for a base, and it stayed there, he already told me this and i was like "well it'll be fixed soon", but no, it's still there, and it's a no owner prop. (after every reset the server spawns it) How to reproduce: Go to this building: (see the screenshots in order) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=910058788 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=910058914 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=910058972 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=910057459 Priority: (High, Medium, Low)
  9. We took entire days to make our money, new update = all gone ( got 5 mil, i never raid who do u think u are) The others i see them as good ideas
  10. Yeah, you sit in one of the hands thing and when you get up again you're inside the world
  11. Yeah of course, a reply about a job on a map suggestions thread *claps* Anyways, i think what could be done is extend the map, leaving the existin parts with really low changes, making new tunnels, giving the black tunnels a continuation, maybe a lake with a lake monster job, etc.
  12. Mi cara

    Money glitch

    Is this thread made by real....?
  13. k, as mod i'm supposed to tell you to have a good stay and that things, but idk what to put so i will sing a song: What, were you excepting a real song? no fak dat
  14. The server economy seems to be relatively stable. I don't want people making millions of dollars a day. What are you trying to obtain that you need so much money for? i just meant that when i returned the server it was pretty higher and now it's really lower if you make a comparation, just saying that, yeah it had to be nerfed but i just tought it was pretty much, idk. (ecks dee) [Edit] I always end poor when i'm starting to get mils since i just can't stop giving noobs money, i give away like 50k per day and i make a little effort in making money but i never stop getting fun, and sometimes i go from like 1 or 2 mils to 50k or even less (it's just something i can't stop, part of me, i can't see them sad because they don't know how to get started or they lost it all in something) (anyways it's not your fault that i donate my money to noobz)
  15. um, i didnt knew that i had to put an introduction that i could place like 1 year ago so... basically i've been normal user like 10 months, one day i finally got vip and a shitty CC, like 1.5 weeks ago my tmod apply was accepted and i got tmod, then i got promoted to mod like 2 weeks later, (i got promoted 1st november) people says i'm kind but i'm just not mean with people, many people asks for me in ooc and i always sometimes tell them "AREN'T THERE OTHER ONLINE MODS SRSLY WHY DAFUQ DO YOU ALWAYS ASK FOR ME!" but meh, ya know, if someone needs my help i do my best to help, (lol) but pls don't join to those who ask 24/7 for stupid questions that anyone can answer in 6 secs. (idk why im doing this everyone knows me)
  16. Increase the printer limit / adding more printer types, the actual ones aren't so bad but i mean, do you remember the extended money printer? The one that was like 40k every 6 mins, but if you think it should be nerfed, you can increase its sound so the raiding / warrant probability would be increased... Pls, or you can increase its price so it wont be so broken but pls add it back or just more regular printers so you can have more (srsly, in old times people who based alone had like 5 printers)
  17. Mi cara

    Weapon bugs

    Description: ok so i was playing and i noticed (this has happened from like 1 month ago) that sometimes a random weapon (commonly keys) was switched by another one, Ex. AWP Asiimov. It doesnt do any dmg, infinite ammo, and it can't even break windows, basically you haven't that weapon that it shows you, it really is the one you had before, it's annoying and also it changes commonly for the tool gun, you have 2 tool guns a normal one, and the glitched one, the normal one is just normal, but the glitched one has the hl2 pistol model, when you use it it becomes toolgun like for 1.5 secs, but it doesnt do anything. How to reproduce: Idk, it happens randomly. Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Low-Medium
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