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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by UncleTyrone

  1. IGN: UncleTyrone Discord: UncleTyrone#1170 Favorite Candy: Reese's
  2. Rejoining the server allowed the flip to finally go through and for me to collect my winnings. I think the bug has to do with multiple flips occurring at the same time.
  3. Bug Description: After death, your target continues to glow red, which may cause new players confusion as they would try to kill their target after they died as it still shows the target glowing red. How to reproduce: When you pickpocket a cop and get a target as a bounty hunter, if you die (ex. your target kills you in self-defense) their location stays glowing red after you died. Priority: Low
  4. !recover will only work if you had the ents for more than 10 minutes in the server. If the server crashed or resetted before 10 min, you wont get it. If it did it after the 10 min, you should get all or some of the ents. Hopefully this sheds some light. Also, not really high priority in my opinion. August 5th Changelog Final update before I leave Fixed an error where new players would not initialize, essentially losing their money. If a name collision happens, it gives you a random name to edit later if you wish Fixed a rare !recover issue Fixed a rare fining issue Fixed a rare issue using Michaels knife Possibly helped. I had them for more than ten minutes, and that update was posted before the restart which lost the items. If you had entities when the server reset recover won't work I don't think. It only works if the server crashed Rip dreams xD
  5. !recover will only work if you had the ents for more than 10 minutes in the server. If the server crashed or resetted before 10 min, you wont get it. If it did it after the 10 min, you should get all or some of the ents. Hopefully this sheds some light. Also, not really high priority in my opinion. August 5th Changelog Final update before I leave Fixed an error where new players would not initialize, essentially losing their money. If a name collision happens, it gives you a random name to edit later if you wish Fixed a rare !recover issue Fixed a rare fining issue Fixed a rare issue using Michaels knife Possibly helped. I had them for more than ten minutes, and that update was posted before the restart which lost the items.
  6. Bug Description: Recover command does not work properly. (400K lost in entities on my part, Sugar just gave me 400k 20 minutes ago which I used on entities.) How to reproduce: Join game after shutdown and type !recover, no menu pops up. Entities Lost: Full server rack bitminers, 2 generators, 1 printer, variously upgraded (Wavy was present at the base during a previous sit, they can verify the entities existed) Priority: High https://i.gyazo.com/9db12d9130a266e99612604827f6386d.mp4 (At the time of the server 9:00 AM automated restart)
  7. I agree that this should be fixed, but not at a 50% rating. 50% means that the server is split in two, such as the US being split between Hillary and Trump. 70% leaves 2/3 of the server for a vote, and it makes it better.
  8. It seems that way, they're not in "The Supplier" or "Gun Dealer." Not too sure on that custom class status of them, though.
  9. Description: Pretty sure you forgot to import M9k base guns. Priority: Low/Medium How To Reproduce: Join the server xD
  10. If you are considering M9k, just don't install all the packs. Some packs can be left out such as the specialties, which will most likely have more and larger textures due to the explosions outputted by weapons such as the warhead. If you were to add M9k, I think that you should only add 25 weapons as you said. Either way, no one is going to use all 25 weapons, they'd find the ones they like and use that few amount.
  11. cw is better. I win Well, he said fuck you and that CW 2.0 is causing bugs, so he is slapping all of us with FA:S 2.0. Now we can have M9k and CW 2.0 combined, and finally have fucking peace in the chat. P.S I know that FA:S 2.0 is an older CW 2.0, but who the fuck cares anyways? They're still better guns than buggy guns. there's a reason every darkrp server uses m9k.. That reason is easy to explain. Bandwagon. Most servers that are populated use M9k, and so others bandwagon on to try and generate traffic on their server. No one is intelligent on its CPU usage, but the people who can read the fucking difference before and after M9k. There is a vote on the motd every day, and right now "Better performance" is the number one voted item by far. Adding M9k would drop the performance.
  12. You're not alone, I think he revamped something or some shit, cause it happened to me too. Sign in on titsrp.com/donate then go to the "Profile" tab and scroll down to the "Package History" then screenshot your purchases using some kind of screenshot program, I suggest lightshot. (Download lightshot and install it, then run it and press the print key on your keyboard, then drag your mouse diagonally to select what you want to screenshot, then unselect your mouse and click on the cloud, then it will open a new window in which you click "Open" then it will take you to a new tab and it will be your image, just send him that link.) or just send him a screenshot of the paypal transaction on your paypal history, or credit card history purchases or some shit. Lightshot Download: https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html Examples of Lightshot: http://prnt.sc/ddh8zw http://prnt.sc/ddh7zs EDIT: I asked him in-game and I guess he checked my Steam ID and verified I bought VIP, so if you want, you can ask him if you ever find him in-game as an alternative to doing all that shit I just said.
  13. How do you not know how these printers work? When they run out of battery, they die and go silent, they turn off until more battery is put in. It's not a bug. P.S: Organize your shit, lol. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=3319
  14. cw is better. I win Well, he said fuck you and that CW 2.0 is causing bugs, so he is slapping all of us with FA:S 2.0. Now we can have M9k and CW 2.0 combined, and finally have fucking peace in the chat. P.S I know that FA:S 2.0 is an older CW 2.0, but who the fuck cares anyways? They're still better guns than buggy guns.
  15. Bug Description: Certain events are still linked to CW 2.0, and I discovered this when I used an event token for the event "Sniper Wars" or something like that, and everyone complained events were "broken," but I knew that upon removal of CW 2.0, you were either waiting for the new guns to edit it or you had just forgotten to edit it. How To Reproduce: Simply start an event, and hope that it is an event that is still linked to the CW 2.0 weaponry. Priority: High (Don't want those kiddies wasting their 1 mil or event token on a broken event)
  16. If M9k isn't an option, FA:S sounds amazing, considering that CW 2.0 got removed from the server. I still also stand on the handcuff rushing rule. It's abused way too much and needs to be fixed. @Cineflict
  17. Also, M9k would be amazing; the current gun system has pretty not-so-good looking weapons that don't perform that well and there isn't a very big variety of them.
  18. I say that we make handcuff rushing against the rules in the motd. It's dishonorable and equivalent to baton rushing on servers that don't have an advanced system with handcuffs and all. I have seen multiple players complain about this in-game, and most people find it very annoying. We need to fix this and edit the motd as soon as possible.
  19. Well, you got me banned at 2 AM, and if you could read and not compare people to a goldfish, while you are literally a squirrel, you would understand the text on your screen.
  20. Don't trash talk my opinion, considering you got me banned because I simply didn't give a shit at 2 AM, but I can actually agree with Cullen on something for once, this system actually makes it more enjoyable to raid, considering I have run into a good 55% who don't know how to bind adverts. Also, you have to advert counter, which gives the system a balance to be fair.
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