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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Nexalem

  1. Yeah no worries mate. Take your time, and take it easy man
  2. I wasn't around for the old mic spam rule, however, I genuinely think it'd be horrible to revert back to that. Sure you can mute people, but having it limited to a job like hobos just feels 'welcome' in a way. I could imagine people try to be louder than the other person and it'd just be a downwards spiral.
  3. Thought we should bring back some attention to this post!
  4. Fuck yeah dude, same. I'm so looking forward to this
  5. This sounds good, it'd also make the sewer related jobs more played. Working the fertilizer into the tilling would be kinda neat however it'd definitely require some balancing from it growing faster or producing more when collected
  6. Wouldn't this job require a Chinese government to be implemented first? If that'd be the case, I could see this job being okay I suppose, sort of like a spy/mercenary doing random stuff for the Chinese. That being said, I just don't think it'd be worth the trouble of making it, but I dunno man
  7. Try and draw my logo, possibly add more detail to the picture, as it's just simple colours right now. That'd be pretty cool
  8. Gonna have to agree with Spektor's statement here. While it's an unfortunate bug that can happen, I still feel like for any you can't just ignore a printer sound because 'you can't see it'. For any RP reason at all, this should be enough for a warrant on someone.
  9. +1 I agree with this, especially the comment BearPaws made as well
  10. I quite often see your 'RP Base' close to pd, but if you genuinely think it's a problem with trisha minges, then just make a sit. The staff team will take care of it for you, as I can assure you trisha isn't only used for minging.
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