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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by noahhhhh

  1. noahhhhh

    fat cash

    What’s the best way to make money? Probably multiple so post your favorite ways below. Tryna to become rich, & this thread also might help new players get phat stacks.
  2. Anyone know this command so I can bind it?
  3. noahhhhh


    i agree with this but its not gonna go anywhere bc mostly its the staff who are abusing this job
  4. This is directed towards farming gems and oak, even with quick farm + rare finder it will still take me 30 minutes to an hour to find one of those two, I suggest we implement a way to get better tools to mine with like a jackhammer or a chainsaw if possible. I think it would be a nice perk to use a prestige token on. If not a chainsaw or a jackhammer then maybe a higher drop rate using a prestige token.
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