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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/24 in Posts

  1. No but a staff member can run a cmd to clear the name and if they have been inactive it will open it. ill Ping one to do it rn.
    1 point
  2. There doesnt need to be a law it says default illegal activity is having a firearm without a license and the guy had a firearm without a license. There is also no unwritten rule and especially not one thats been known for years. This is the most recent addition to the rules which does not pertain to you as the guy was holding a firearm and you didn't even have to weapon check him since he's you know holding a weapon and you can see he has no license on his name tag. Random weapon checks (not including checkpoints) are not permitted unless there is a reasonable suspicion that the person is committing a crime (ex. verbal threats, active bounty, brandishing a weapon, advertising illegal services, etc.)
    1 point
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