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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/20 in all areas

  1. I found a workshop addon that adds a glare to the sniper scope when aiming in to the opposing target.I feel if we added this addon to the server it would add a element of realism and balance since the sniper's are pretty powerful.So for example if I have a hit on me and the hitman is using a sniper he shoots and hits me but I dont die I can turn around and see the glint of his sniper and know his position so I can counter his fire effectively instead of just standing there and taking hits not knowing were he is.It also lets me know who hit me so I dont accidentally kill the wrong person. Here is the link to the addon: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2073195865&searchtext=sniper+glint
    2 points
  2. While this does add a new moneymaking option that is legal. I feel this will just go the way of the bitminer and be thrown out of the meta simply due to it being not as efficient as the old-fashioned mega-base with printers, mini-printers, procs, BITMINERS, drugs, and meth all at once. This is why meth is better, you can do it with other illegal things inside a protected base that cops barely even care about because it's too far from PD which is where they hang around because of the constant stampede of evil jaywalkers and PD raiders. The threat of police against a cheap dupe (like 4-5mil value) is minuscule as all of them make it possible to kill them with no risk to yourself and like I said they are too busy fining people for bounties. And even if you plan to make it so you can do it anywhere in a base, meth is better cuz you have to pick between both, and meth would give you more for your time with no consequence. -1
    1 point
  3. +1 This would be useful for folk who are just vibing and to help them at least fight back against would be rdmers or hitmen. THis also helps during revolts and basically any engagement.
    1 point
  4. my final goal is getting permabanned by console for using speed exploits, nice to meet you
    1 point
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