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Differentiate yourself from others in your gang.


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I've had this idea on my mind for awhile. At first I had thought that adding a second xp (personal xp) would be cool to use for like STR/DEX/INT/LUCK because the server already has an RPG type of feel with the gangs. I realized that this would pretty hard to code ( I think ... I wouldn't know honestly ... But I have experience with HTML and CSS/PHP ... not like any of this shit matters) So I instantly lost the thought.


A month later ... ( which is now ... 7:30 am PST ... again not like this shit matters )


But I realized that based on the a person's play style... Like personally I like to farm. People like Piklas like to raid every single fuckin person. Some people just like fuckin around. I realized that it would be pretty dope to have people choose their own talents. Not the talents for the WHOLE GANG. But personally ( FOR YOURSELF BASED ON YOUR PLAY STYLE ) based on the Gangs Level. ( How many talents you can choose... IE: Level 60 = 6 talents ... obviously )


Idkk ... I think it's a cool idea. But lemme know.


*Got reminded on this idea a couple days ago... Because someone in my gang had said, "I like your gang ... But you have all farming talents ... I might leave and join another gang."* 


Another thought... That way if this is added ... Some people could benefit a gang more... 


IE: Person with gang perks could help a shit ton in raids


IE#2: An ally within the gang with farming talents can offer more to xp in the gang ... or sharing mats with others in the gang ..


( Sorry for all the "..."s. I think I added the "..."s when I was thinking about what else I should include. )

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I would like to see other players being able to pick talents in a gang, but that would ruin some gangs such as "THE DD" (bunch of nerds) who are only doing cop stuff, then you have a guy who just joins and uses all the talents to get what he wants and not what the gang wants.


It'd be cool, but I don't think sug would add it.


I'd rather see something like the old school wow talent system for everyone.

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I would like to see other players being able to pick talents in a gang, but that would ruin some gangs such as "THE DD" (bunch of nerds) who are only doing cop stuff, then you have a guy who just joins and uses all the talents to get what he wants and not what the gang wants.


It'd be cool, but I don't think sug would add it.


I'd rather see something like the old school wow talent system for everyone.


With the first thing you said. That is ofc why the forums have, "Gang Recruit". But I guess I could see how someone would wanna join a gang that is level 50+ compared to one that is lower. Although even though DD is full of a bunch a nerds. There's no doubt that someone of them prefer the other COP talents ( may want different combinations ). Or maybe even this opens up a whole new option. Maybe they'll want to try other Jobs based on the fact that they can differentiate themselves from others in their gang. Or just have different combinations of talents... idk ...


Also Gang Recruit means that Gangs can just search for players THEY want (EX: Personality, Age, Annoying/Dominant/Troll/Memer )... hardly ever do I see players searching for gangs... unless they're noob players, joining noob gangs. This just opens up better reputation within the gangs. ( Partly speaking out of my ass by now.. but I hope you get my point ... )

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Do you really want someone like our Test Players, who are fictional, J1 and P to have Personal AND Gang Talents? Honestly seems like a bad way of making OP class builds in the game. (Unlike how it's TOTALLY balanced now)


I mean, unless you restrict it to having 2 personal talents, I don't see how players as a whole could stand behind this.


Maybe make personal talents COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than gang talents?


"At first I had thought that adding a second xp (personal xp) would be cool to use for like STR/DEX/INT/LUCK because the server already has an RPG type of feel with the gangs. I realized that this would pretty hard to code ( I think ... I wouldn't know honestly ... But I have experience with HTML and CSS/PHP ... not like any of this shit matters) So I instantly lost the thought."


I'm saying switch it to completely personal.


IE: Level 60 gang


Jacket1: Can take thief talents. (6)


Whereas ...


Piklas: Could take cop talents instead. (6)


No where in this thread did I say, "Personal AND Gang Talents" ...


So instead of having a gang that primarily has farming talents.


Everyone can just choose their own.

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What this would do is make every gang the same, and everyone would want to join the highest lvl gang. Without gangs having to choose Talents for everyone, no one would make a new gang because it would serve no other purpose other than a different name, starting gang wars, and owning a gang. Overall I think this is a bad idea, but mabye instead of talents you could have your own personal talents such as 



"At first I had thought that adding a second xp (personal xp) would be cool to use for like STR/DEX/INT/LUCK because the server already has an RPG type of feel with the gangs.

North I believe has already talked with sugar about this and the issue is if you spend enough time grinding you could be OP at farming any kind of thing. For example if you farm 1k chem barrels every day you could theoretically get a chem barrell as soon as it is placed upon the hose if the perk is "Your chem barrels take 30 less seconds to fill". A way to stop this though would be to add in a cap for your STR/DEX/INT/LUCK. Overall if something like this is added it would be a cool thing and more things for older players to grind/play for.

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Seems like a way you just make extremely overpowered class builds like Sewer said. I could just build my raiding class to be the most powerful one, then add a strong CC and it's practically GG for anyone I'm raiding. If it were to be added, I think it would need to be capped in some sort of way like Muffin had stated.

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Seems like a way you just make extremely overpowered class builds like Sewer said. I could just build my raiding class to be the most powerful one, then add a strong CC and it's practically GG for anyone I'm raiding. If it were to be added, I think it would need to be capped in some sort of way like Muffin had stated.


The problem around that is the fact that STR/DEX/INT/LUCK was clearly/obviously gonna be a broken/op topic to talk about. That's why I just said make it able so that each individual can choose their own Talents in order to take the idea off of STR/DEX/INT/LUCK.


And If gang level was an issue maybe there could be a gang player cap.


I just want a way to differentiate yourself compared to other players / not necessarily people that are in your gang.. but just in general.

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