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Staff Sucks


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The thing I have learned about everyone bitching about staff is that no one says any names.


I can say "Staff sucks! I hate the ones that don't do work! I hate the ones that can't help me because I just got RDMed! I am important and need a staff member to do something about my issue because my issue matters!" but the question is who is ignoring you? Who is not not doing their job? Who is abusing? Who is doing this and that? If you just point out to the crowd and say "Them!" I can't do anything. If you take one person out of the crowd, get proof of them not doing what they're supposed to be doing then post it for everyone else to see then you're doing something right.


Bitching about an issue is not going to make it go away. At least not this one. You can be Crt and say "I hate people who break the rules!", that doesn't fix issues. You can be a server owner and say "Omg my server got DDoSed, I hate those people!", that's not going to fix the issue. Until you go into the roots of your problems and actually pick the people out not doing what they're not supposed to be doing, bitching and complaining is not going to help.


Believe me when I say, I truly want to help. But in the next 3 days someone else is going to say "Man, staff is mean and rude I am super done with this server!" and this whole shit show of a cycle is going to repeat itself over and over and over and over again. Please for the love of god, report people with proof instead of making a generalization.

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Well, here's my take on the staff.


The majority is necessary due to the huge popularity of the server. I, a single person, can't manage all of them, do sits, apply some fixes, and play as a player.


The problem is that most staff on the server doing their job, is that it's also probably their first roleplaying server gig. They don't know the ins and outs, but they're forced to make decisions on the spot based on their intuition.


Someone like AdrianZ wouldn't know that anything past the lobby doors of PD is actually AoS by default because people put signs up to clarify. Though he can easily put the fact that trespassing in anyone's building is AoS and entering government property is KoS, he isn't going to make the connection and will assume that you have to place a sign. That's fine, it's not a wrong judgment from what he knows and understands.


Most sits require common sense and a deeper understanding of how role-playing works, but it's not entirely on staff.


Then you have silly moderators like Disco Soup Can, who hears and sees that Taj, an admin, and the other Head Admin arresting players for j-walking as per their lawboard, getting banned instantly without even a jail or a sit. That's wrong and I trained some of you staff to actually not instant-ban players. Honestly, staff that didn't put 1 and 1 together that there are two fucking idiots screaming "NO J-WALKING!!!" should be demoted. If you heard that line, you would assume that its a law that the dumb ass corrupt mayor put up.


Obviously there are exceptions like if you are already spectating a player you think is doing something and they're on thin ice as you talked to them before, but no communication or talk + going directly off dlogs and seeing in the center of your screen that lots of people being arrested is honestly retarded. I've seen staff ban someone for arresting a ton of players that were tresspassing and raiding someone's house because that staff member was like "he mass rda people when they were raiding".


Then you apparently have Bosco, according to players, who does little to no sits and afks in his base farming money with friends. That's fine, he does sits, but he's mostly a roleplayer with staff privileges like an emergency staff member, much like how the great Neko Sam was and can't be seriously taken as staff.


Staff are usually afk because they do sits throughout the entire day. I mean look at you, you would get off the server after a few sits and we'd use to play csgo to relax from the mess that regular players cause everyday.


So I think the staff is fine, we just need more to migitate stress amongst staff. We can't afford to lose staff and burden the remainder. That's basically what happened to me all year where I'm the sole staff on several dozen occasions where everyone leaves because they're "stressed" after like 4-5 sits and then end up resigning, leaving only me to deal with stuff.


But at the end of the day, you're going to need proof, a recording on what these staff members are doing wrong. Commando isn't even on anymore and most likely for a maximum of like 30 mins, I'm on a break to wonder what else can I be doing instead of GMOD, and Sugar is probably also on a break.

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I'm going to be honest here. Yes, I do go afk a lot. I've been told by a lot of people. But that's because both of my disabled grandparents live with me. Whenever they need help and or need me, i'm gonna leave. I'm not going to sit here and say "hold on, let me finish my game" Like no. How am I suppose to know if its an emergency or not. That's not gonna happen. I'm going to leave. I'm not gonna take the time to make sure EVERYONE on the server knows that i'm going to be afk. 


As for other staff members, Like Erston said,  I've seen a lot of staff that jump straight to "BAN" "BAN" BAN" for something like fading door abusing. It should not happen. I've also taken note of all of these staff members. I'm taking notice to the amount of sits each staff member does. I'm watching. Whether they know or not, I am.


But come on. No need to hate on all of the staff members in general. This is not their job. Its completely voluntarily. But they also want to have fun. And they cannot do that when there are 30+ people all calling for an mod/admin to help them. It ruins their RP experience... Their whole reason to be on the server. To have fun. Not babysit.


And like all of the other mods/admins that have replied here. YOU NEED PROOF. Don't come to the forums complaining about staff being shit. How are we suppose to know who you are talking about. We have 15+ staff members. We can't read minds. 

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I might not do that many sits during the day anymore but I do try and get on later hours to resolve the night trolls and morning trolls I can't stay up all night everynight otherwise i'll die. Milk why do you want us to die? :(


Edit: Merry christmas. c:

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if you really want proof you can msg me on steam or on my skype (frudufagins) and i could litterally just sift through my hours of gameplay and find various mods doing as people inculding myself complain about  i just do not feel comfortable publicly putting a mod on spot somewhere everyone can see it e

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I'm going to be honest here. Yes, I do go afk a lot. I've been told by a lot of people. But that's because both of my disabled grandparents live with me. Whenever they need help and or need me, i'm gonna leave. I'm not going to sit here and say "hold on, let me finish my game" Like no. How am I suppose to know if its an emergency or not. That's not gonna happen. I'm going to leave. I'm not gonna take the time to make sure EVERYONE on the server knows that i'm going to be afk. 


As for other staff members, Like Erston said,  I've seen a lot of staff that jump straight to "BAN" "BAN" BAN" for something like fading door abusing. It should not happen. I've also taken note of all of these staff members. I'm taking notice to the amount of sits each staff member does. I'm watching. Whether they know or not, I am.


But come on. No need to hate on all of the staff members in general. This is not their job. Its completely voluntarily. But they also want to have fun. And they cannot do that when there are 30+ people all calling for an mod/admin to help them. It ruins their RP experience... Their whole reason to be on the server. To have fun. Not babysit.


And like all of the other mods/admins that have replied here. YOU NEED PROOF. Don't come to the forums complaining about staff being shit. How are we suppose to know who you are talking about. We have 15+ staff members. We can't read minds. 


But you were there when I went into a sit I was witness to, and got instantly threatened with a kick... that's not excessive? lmao... and even when I left the sit because I made an issue of it and you said drop it, I got teleported again by Ghost or whatever saying "He mighta said drop it, but I didn't, so why did you leave my sit?" HE TOLD ME TO LEAVE THE SIT LITERALLY LIKE 5 MINUTES AGO, THATS WHY I WAS THREATENED WITH A KICK, it just seems the are so fucking power hungry, and get hard ons from having even a inch of power.


You guys don't take your staff positions seriously, what you do take seriously though is how most of you love enforcing punishments, not the right ones, just enforcing them.


ex: Kid RDM's she/he teleports him into a sit, he was having a conversation with his friend beforehand so when he's teleported he's talking, he/she gets mad at him for "mic spamming" and verbally warn him with either a gag, kick, or two actual warns if he does it again, (I've personally seen this happen, this isn't bullshit, lol.)

 We can't read minds. 


I know most staff have little groups(or general opinions on other staff members), and within these groups, they know, or in just a general knowledge kind of thing, what staff suck, what staff are doing the wrong things, and in general, you guys kind of can read minds. You as a head mod especially have opinions on other staff, and should know which are bad, which do the wrong things, and which use excessive punishment.

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But you were there when I went into a sit I was witness to, and got instantly threatened with a kick... that's not excessive? lmao... and even when I left the sit because I made an issue of it and you said drop it, I got teleported again by Ghost or whatever saying "He mighta said drop it, but I didn't, so why did you leave my sit?" HE TOLD ME TO LEAVE THE SIT LITERALLY LIKE 5 MINUTES AGO, THATS WHY I WAS THREATENED WITH A KICK, it just seems the are so fucking power hungry, and get hard ons from having even a inch of power.


You guys don't take your staff positions seriously, what you do take seriously though is how most of you love enforcing punishments, not the right ones, just enforcing them.


ex: Kid RDM's she/he teleports him into a sit, he was having a conversation with his friend beforehand so when he's teleported he's talking, he/she gets mad at him for "mic spamming" and verbally warn him with either a gag, kick, or two actual warns if he does it again, (I've personally seen this happen, this isn't bullshit, lol.)





I was not there when you first got pulled into the sit. I was jumping around with a light saber. Ghostly was trying to talk to you 2 about what was going on. You kept arguing with him and you were being completely disrespectful. I told you to just drop it. Then you left. I never said for you to leave. I only said for you to stop being disrespectful and if you kept it up I was going to kick. There is no reason for you to sit there and constantly nag on him. He was trying to help. Whether you broke the rules or not, Let him talk without you guys screaming down his neck.



I know most staff have little groups(or general opinions on other staff members), and within these groups, they know, or in just a general knowledge kind of thing, what staff suck, what staff are doing the wrong things, and in general, you guys kind of can read minds.



Yes. I agree with you. There are some staff that do things they are not suppose to, Like banning for stupid reasons or warning for stupid reason, and they have been noted. I said this. But were not going to just remove someone from our staff team just because they did one thing wrong. We will talk to those staff members and get things sorted out.


You as a head mod especially have opinions on other staff, and should know which are bad, which do the wrong things, and which use excessive punishment.


As I said. I have noted the staff members that have done things they they are not suppose to.. I do watch over the staff to make sure they are in line. But that can only happen when i'm on the server. And it would make everything so much easier if you would take screenshots or videos of these staff members that you think/feel are doing something wrong and let us know. We cannot go off accusations.

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Get a active head mod that actually guides mod and teaches them tricks instead of Afk at spawn? - anon (some active guy pmed me about that saying our headmod just fucks around, doesn't do sits, doesn't control staff)


Well I actually just got TOTO, the other head admin to promote Jecanerd and I hope he guides them.

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