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Should T-Mod+ be harder to get?


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This is a political and planned attack on the new tmod known as SkrtSkrt. He is trying to say SkrtSkrt is bad and not worth admin to seed bad opinons in the community. do not believe this mans lies



They are spreading propaganda

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Realistically, there are always going to rotten eggs anywhere on the staff team (tmod, mod, etc - not targeting anyone). You can have someone make a perfect T mod application and then in game just start banning everyone for shits and giggles. 


You can add more restrictions such as "No warns within the past month, etc, X amount of hours, X amount of age, Has mic, 5 forum post a month, etc". You'll still get bad eggs. T mod is essentially a trial to see if they work out.


I think staff retention would be a better option, but it's hard when you just get burned out because you just do sits all day and can't play.

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How I feel on this is thus:

I've applied once now. And while the main reason I was denied was because of my advert with Rigbe and that tarded shit, I don't think I'd have made it in. I feel that the main reason there are so many biased and toxic staff is due to prior bias that escalated, and how easily staff applications are accepted. In addition, the ones I see being denied are the ones that are either memey or made by 'prior minges'. I'll take Jacket for example. He's a minge, granted. At the same time, he/others try to change in order to make staff. And once they are made staff, they try their best to change. If they don't, they're kicked off the team. So yeah, it should be made more difficult to become staff, but I feel trial-mod should stay the same difficulty to get. What I mean is: Getting on the team is easy. STAYING on the team is what's hard. Everybody deserves a chance to prove their worth as a moderator.

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