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joey 123 perma ban appeal

Lil Dick

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ign joey123

steam username itsnotjoe

steam id STEAM_0:0:109988989

I was banned for minging for 4 days than momentarily after my new to the game brother goes on the server and as a joke changes his name to joey12345  he changed it back once he was in a sit he does not have a mic he is getting one for Christmas so he was setting up my mic because they didn't believe my brother so they said to  set my mic up and I have a blue snowball so it takes a few minutes to set it up so while my brother was setting it up he gets banned for 7 days and my ban gets raised to 7 days and then its been about four days since this all happened I have recently made a thread but it did not have the correct format but today I check to see if I get unbanned and I got perma ban nothing said to me my thread is closed I don't know why they randomly banned me I do not think that I deserve a permanent ban for "minging" and " alt accounting"


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