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hecko I have been thinking of a few things that may be neat to add:


High Risk High Reward money making. I had this idea for a Nuclear reactor that you could buy / craft using expensive materials that once powered on must be cooled by Ice blocks. This nuclear reactor would be defended and show a heat signature that all players would know for sure it existed inside the base. You would spend a large sum of money maybe 1M or so in materials / money to build it and then you must defend it for a period of time. This would be a very illegal item that police are encouraged to go and raid to destroy. The investment and time put into building and defending it would be paid out with 25% or so of the investment. So 1M Investment + 30-60 Minutes of defending a high risk Nuclear reactor that may offer Processed Uranium that could be sold for 250k Each giving you 5 in total. I believe there are large investments currently but its just buying tons of printers and processors to defend. If the reactor were to explode it should cause massive damage destroying everything inside a base along with it creating a small nuclear meltdown (With the large price and investment I doubt this would be abused to mass RDM) Thoughts?


Restaurant owner / Farmer improvements and additions. Hinging off what Knifu said in regards to farmers it made me bring back into my head that there needs to be more things to create as a restaurant owner. Running a restaurant is one of my favorite things to do in Titsrp and being able to offer like Orange juice, or bacon, or steak, or really any actual food to a customer with a known effect like healing would be awesome. I need something like real plates to offer and maybe soups to create. I use my imagination pretty well to create some cool things sometimes but generally I find it tedious spending so much time on it just to have the stove glitch out and force me to reconnect losing tons of food shipments as I intend to run it for hours. Adding coffee beans and craftable coffee that could give a small boost to speed would be nice. Adding a drink station so I can offer orange juice, soda, or alcohol to my customers would be very nice. Also I know sugar has said he intends to work on the crafting menu for food as its not really the clearest or easiest for new players to manage thats why I created a guide on how to do so. Maybe making it slightly more intiuitve or adding tooltips to certain things may help? 


Selling CC Weapons / Junk from Processors: I believe there is a variety of items that sell for either 0$ or way too little for what they cost to create. Door alarms comes to mind first as they sell for either 0$ for the regular ones or blundergats for instance sell for like 867$ for 5. I am not saying we need to make everything worth a great deal of money but I am saying these junky items should go for a little more. I find newer players if I go to raid them maybe have 1 processor that isnt upgraded and 1 mini printer. Rarely now do I see new players try to farm either because (God only knows why) but they don't know how to water their plants? We all do our part to help the new players out but making these tiny things impact them. If they get 5 metal pipes let them sell for 5k instead just to give them that little umf they need to get going. 


This one may be too powerful but maybe add a craftable drill to mine with that would break after so many uses and on the same note a chainsaw to gather wood? Possibly I believe Umbak has said this but also maybe a craftable fishing rod that has special effects / increased speed or efficiency for a period of time? It doesn't have to be amazing but it would be neat to craft a fishing rod that fishes Ayu's more frequently or Betta's. Doesn't have to be a godly fishing rod that only grabs parrot fish as obviously that would be a bit much.


Weapon balances: I believe there are a large number of weapons that aren't bothered with due to the fact that they just don't scale into combat correctly. The first one that comes to mind is the AK47 from CSS. It has 25 rounds and its damage is what 19? Its pretty awful in comparison and I know after testing a bunch there are several other guns that are the same. Little damage tweaks here and there from time to time would be interesting so that we can see more variety rather than everyone using one shotgun, one smg, and one rifle in 80% of the fights. 


RDM Arena: Add a small monetary reward at the end of the cycle for the top 3 players? I Did this as an event and it got a few people in there so they can bleed it out. Better to have them kill each other for a while in there so when they hop out they actually want to roleplay instead of killing as much. The more the RDM arena is used I think the calmer people will be in regular RP (Minus Garrysmod and DarkRP mindsets as a whole)


Add a casino that offers more gambling options for the players. There are a few different things in Titsrp that are considered gambling. Extreme gambler, scratch offs, lottery, cases, and unbox. I believe if we had a little casino somewhere in the map that let players blow their hard earned money with slot machines, roulette, blackjack, and maybe some other fun games it would be pretty cool. I joined another server once that had exactly those things in a room and it was pretty popular it keeps players entertained and offers new opportunity for roleplay and features. (I know this is probly going to be a backburner idea because its pretty server intensive to have all the code running if a bunch of people are using it at once)


Im sure ill have more, but thats it for now. Let me know what you guys think!

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RDM Arena: Add a small monetary reward at the end of the cycle for the top 3 players? I Did this as an event and it got a few people in there so they can bleed it out. Better to have them kill each other for a while in there so when they hop out they actually want to roleplay instead of killing as much. The more the RDM arena is used I think the calmer people will be in regular RP (Minus Garrysmod and DarkRP mindsets as a whole)

Good idea. +1


I read through a quick and simple one due to the fact that you wrote so many suggestions. I'll read the rest and give my opinions on them later, but I do see a few of my +1's going into these.

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Great Suggestions. +1 


I think the RDM zone Arena suggestion should have a 5,000$ cash prize because the way I see it, RDM zone takes 5 minutes each to finish a match.


Also, I don't think you should have to defend the Nuclear reactor for that long, I think making it 20 - 30 minutes would make it more balanced. The reactor shouldn't cost 1 mil either, you only get 1.25 mil from it anyways, I think it should cost 500,000$ because you have to defend (costing time) and you only earn an extra 250k from it.

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