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Model POV glitch and people abusing it alrdy

North Bear

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Description: Model pov glitch makes you basically a walhacker that can invade bases easilly.


How to reproduce: Change classes and it randomly happens. Possibly viewheight difference being weird or viewheight not being detected so it goes to its nullpoint.


Priority: Very high




Me all of the sudden being in the glitch after switching classes. Also testing out hitbox on guy below. I went from panda to chloe, both basically same height.


Slayer getting rdmed by someone who had the opposite effect, view point being above him.


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1. Why do people think being a terrorist underground is ok as they have to be on the streets (but besides the point)

2. There is a like grate or whatever on the road next to PD he probably shot from there.

3. Its the models or at least I think its the models.

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It was not the position of the grate I got told and point three, thats kinda what I am saying.. since the viewheight update this keeps happening and people abuse it.



I didn't think the terrorist job would have that view problem though. I thought it would have only been CC's and certain models. As the Shygal model lowers my view below the surface along with the Tracer model I have. But the Hunter model is completely fine and I don't have view problems with.

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