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TitsRP Notes v2

Mr. Peanut Butter

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(some of the below suggestions are leftover from the previous list of ideas, but there are new ones, and the ones that have been implemented have been removed)


make jigsaw tp behind a target rather than where the target is looking since it can be abused to have too much advantage over jigsaw as their target and basically being invulnerable to jigsaw.


revamp rep system, maybe make it against the rules to false rep and/or make smods+ able to delete people's false reps because everytime some whiny kid doesn't get his way in a sit he just -reps, and we also get a lot of random -reps from random people we may have never met or otherwise interacted with or -reps with racist comments, or etc.


make demotes last longer and make it so that if you get demoted from a cp job you cannot join any cp job while demoted. if this is too complicated maybe force demoted people to stay citizen and not able to switch to any job for a set amount of time, which needs to be significantly longer than the current demote time. the reason for this is if someone is demoted they tend to instantly go to a similar job and keep doing dumb stuff.


add job ban back to the tab menu.


add an indication that someone is your steam friend in the tab menu like the old tab menu had, such as a flashing light or symbol or something. 


make non-staff able to click on a user's name in the tab menu, close the tab menu, and re-open it to still show that user's info the way staff can, in case someone needs to track a player for evidence in a player report because staff are unavailable in game.


add the wanted reason next to the wanted indicator in tab menu since there is a lot of blank space leftover there.


change the rule on mayor firing cp so that instead of firing cp for any reason/no reason it follows normal demote rules and needs a valid rp reason. this way, the mayor can still get rid of undesirables by firing for a reason such as "I don't think you are a good addition to the police force" or etc, but they cannot just mass demote the entire police force and not allow anyone to join, which is very frustrating and makes for a very bad dynamic in the context of rp.


find alternative punishments for players instead of being so heavy on banning. perhaps losing VIP for mass rulebreaks is one option. - herb's idea


make it so that when you fine someone for their bounty with the fine for bounty button it automatically resets the bounty, and also make it show in chat so that people know their bounty was reset because many people do not know about the bounty setting system or that they need to reset people's amount.


add the job name in parentheses next to people in the cp bounty list to save cp some time when looking for bounties, instead of them having to find each person in tab menu to see what job they are.


add a way to know if someone has or doesn't have a gun license on their own screen rather than needing someone else to check it. maybe in the name/health/armor card in the bottom left.


Create an actual vote system and counter in mod apps that shows a number based on votes near the thread similar to how the forums rep shows next to someone's name so that smods+ can see which threads are promising before even opening them.


maybe allow non staff to vote +1, 0, -1 on mod apps without actually being able to open them, since they can see when people post them anyway. this can be used not as a deciding factor but more as a general idea if they are liked by the community. 


Give VIP target (in VIP event) better weapons to defend themselves.


Improve gang menu by adding a recent events / notifications box that shows newly joined members and people who left/etc.


give the juggernaut the GIGN Heavy Trooper model to make it more badass.


buff juggernaut and/or buff masterchief because spartans are supposed to be badass. this way there is a way to combat jugg as criminal as they can be more evenly matched, but it also comes with the risk of potentially having 2 badass cops around.


add boxes to the hud for staff/cp (seperate) for alerts to give to all staff/cp. such as a staff can write in the staff box "verbal warned soandso they are suspicious, keep an eye out" and it shows on all staff screens, and cp can work in the same way "BOLO (Be On Look Out) for soandso wanted for murder of CP" and will show on all CP screens. maybe have clientside option to remove certain alerts or have them expire after a while or have the author erase it when its expired and it goes away if they dc.


create a 3rd person weapons animation for sprinting, and hands up/surrender animation, and loop custom animations like dances until they are canceled so that you don't have to spam the buttons.


Remove the killcam, since users can see slogs for deaths we don't really need the killcam anymore. having the killcam seems to encourage NLR for people who are unaware of the rule, and it also ruins good hiding spots promoting metagame. we should instead have a short respawn time where the screen goes black and explains that you cant go back to kill them or continue an rp/raid so that there is no excuse for not knowing as it tell you *every time you die*.


Allow Gang CC to have 3 weapon slots that way you can have a backup weapon, for different ranges of combat, and a master sword, instead of just one or the other.

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"add an indication that someone is your steam friend in the tab menu like the old tab menu had, such as a flashing light or symbol or something."


Already added



"make non-staff able to click on a user's name in the tab menu, close the tab menu, and re-open it to still show that user's info the way staff can, in case someone needs to track a player for evidence in a player report because staff are unavailable in game."


Im pretty sure this was already added if you mean how the persons info is retained even after closing tab menu



"change the rule on mayor firing cp so that instead of firing cp for any reason/no reason it follows normal demote rules and needs a valid rp reason. this way, the mayor can still get rid of undesirables by firing for a reason such as "I don't think you are a good addition to the police force" or etc, but they cannot just mass demote the entire police force and not allow anyone to join, which is very frustrating and makes for a very bad dynamic in the context of rp."


!unfun and !revolt are better solutions and I think it was added that people can rejoin cp when mayor is demoted. I however think there should be a set amount or a cooldown for firing during grace to avoid people going mayor only to fire people then leave.



"find alternative punishments for players instead of being so heavy on banning. perhaps losing VIP for mass rulebreaks is one option. - herb's idea"


This ties into job bans I think as the old job bans only banned until the person logged off or something. Making job bans more easily used could be an alternative to banning someone. Example: someone abuses the alien swep -> job ban for 1 day and 12 hours. Someone rdms 2 people as the sewer lord above ground thinking he could --> 6 hour job ban. This would be up to staff tho since it kinda slots in between a verbal warning and a kick/warning.



"maybe allow non staff to vote +1, 0, -1 on mod apps without actually being able to open them, since they can see when people post them anyway. this can be used not as a deciding factor but more as a general idea if they are liked by the community. "


Being liked by the commnity shouldn't be a deciding factor at all becoming staff imo. If the person isn't going to work as a team thats a different story than someone just thinking Billy25 isn't a cool guy.



"Remove the killcam, since users can see slogs for deaths we don't really need the killcam anymore. having the killcam seems to encourage NLR for people who are unaware of the rule, and it also ruins good hiding spots promoting metagame. we should instead have a short respawn time where the screen goes black and explains that you cant go back to kill them or continue an rp/raid so that there is no excuse for not knowing as it tell you *every time you die*." 


I think killcams have a planned update that sugar has for the future. I think they are good since it indirectly reduces sit calls for rdm that might be false. If someone is killed from far away as a terrorist and you don't see anything that might get people to call rdm sits immideatly (which already happens at a lesser degree). If people have a visual cue it helps them know who killed them and most likely why. Also killcams are fun since you get to know what weapon they killed you with and I know there is a plan to add the custom names of enchanted weapons to killcam aswell.



"Allow Gang CC to have 3 weapon slots that way you can have a backup weapon, for different ranges of combat, and a master sword, instead of just one or the other."



I think it would be really cool if you could use gang talent points for weapon slots on the gang cc. Idk if it can be implemented since if the talent is rerolled a slot has to be removed but that limits the gang cc to not be as good as a regular cc and also has an opportunity cost of losing a possibly strong talent in your gang.

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"add an indication that someone is your steam friend in the tab menu like the old tab menu had, such as a flashing light or symbol or something."


Already added



"make non-staff able to click on a user's name in the tab menu, close the tab menu, and re-open it to still show that user's info the way staff can, in case someone needs to track a player for evidence in a player report because staff are unavailable in game."


Im pretty sure this was already added if you mean how the persons info is retained even after closing tab menu


oh is it? how can you tell the steam friends?


"Remove the killcam, since users can see slogs for deaths we don't really need the killcam anymore. having the killcam seems to encourage NLR for people who are unaware of the rule, and it also ruins good hiding spots promoting metagame. we should instead have a short respawn time where the screen goes black and explains that you cant go back to kill them or continue an rp/raid so that there is no excuse for not knowing as it tell you *every time you die*." 


I think killcams have a planned update that sugar has for the future. I think they are good since it indirectly reduces sit calls for rdm that might be false. If someone is killed from far away as a terrorist and you don't see anything that might get people to call rdm sits immideatly (which already happens at a lesser degree). If people have a visual cue it helps them know who killed them and most likely why. Also killcams are fun since you get to know what weapon they killed you with and I know there is a plan to add the custom names of enchanted weapons to killcam aswell.


thats a good point but it could still show that info box without the actual killcam

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