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Promotion ideas

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Recently I started having more fun on the server, and I love it, to the staff and owner of the server I want to say thank you for making such a great server and I have someone promotion ideas.



Promote Big Tits He's a very had working staff member and he is very quick to take sits, if he can not do the sit, he will bring you and you'll watch the current sit which I think is a great idea.


Promote GN Issac  He's also been working very very hard not the same as big tits, but I think he stills needs a promotion for his hard work!


Also a shoutout to Sammah she got promoted today that's why she's not on this tiny list.

( This is the list of people I see every day I play on the server )


Thank you for reading - Grady / Will killz you <3


Sorry if you're not on here, I still do appreciate your guys work!

Recently I started having more fun on the server, and I love it, to the staff and owner of the server I want to say thank you for making such a great server and I have someone promotion ideas.



Promote Big Tits He's a very had working staff member and he is very quick to take sits, if he can not do the sit, he will bring you and you'll watch the current sit which I think is a great idea.


Promote GN Issac  He's also been working very very hard not the same as big tits, but I think he stills needs a promotion for his hard work!


Also a shoutout to Sammah she got promoted today that's why she's not on this tiny list.


( This is the list of people I see every day I play on the server )


Please don't hate me after this post ;( 


Thank you for reading - Grady / Will killz you <3



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It's cool to see someone who doesn't complain about everything like most of the players on TitsRP do. 


As for their promotions, they both do pretty well as staff (and nice that Sammah got re-promoted to mod), I could see them getting promoted soon. 


Anyways, you seem to be an okay guy.



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Promote Big Tits He's a very had working staff member and he is very quick to take sits, if he can not do the sit, he will bring you and you'll watch the current sit which I think is a great idea.


Promote GN Issac  He's also been working very very hard not the same as big tits, but I think he stills needs a promotion for his hard work!



So, I have no problem with these staff members, if anything I think they're both very good staff members. However,


Big Tits become trial mod less than a month ago and a full moderator I think a week ago? I don't think any mod should rise up through the ranks this fast or once they are stuck at smod, they're going to go inactive.


Isaac hasn't been as active as he used to. If he became more active I'm sure he'd get smod no problem.

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Promote Big Tits He's a very had working staff member and he is very quick to take sits, if he can not do the sit, he will bring you and you'll watch the current sit which I think is a great idea.


Promote GN Issac  He's also been working very very hard not the same as big tits, but I think he stills needs a promotion for his hard work!



So, I have no problem with these staff members, if anything I think they're both very good staff members. However,


Big Tits become trial mod less than a month ago and a full moderator I think a week ago? I don't think any mod should rise up through the ranks this fast or once they are stuck at smod, they're going to go inactive.


Isaac hasn't been as active as he used to. If he became more active I'm sure he'd get smod no problem.


ahem... i think we already have someone that has rose up the ranks super fast. Not being a dickhead just pointing this out.

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I'm gonna give a big fat +1 For Big Tits Promotion, dude is grinding out sits and helps me a lot of the time. 

Another +1 for Plutori hes the one I see on the server the most aswell as taking most of my sits right away. 

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