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Master Keypad Cracker too slow


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The master keypad cracker for the Master Raider job is slower than the average keypad cracker for the hacker.The hacker's keypad cracker takes 18 clicks to keypad crack while the Master Raider's keypad cracker takes 30 clicks. During raids every second is crucial and a few less seconds from keypad cracking could be the difference between a successful raid and an unsuccessful one. If the keypad cracker is too slow it could mean the loss of items and potential rewards that you could've gotten from that raid. I believe it should be made faster or at least as fast as the average keypad since it is a vip job and many people worked hard or payed for vip.

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10% faster than normal keypad is fine.


The Master Keypad Cracker is slower than the regular keypad that a hacker has.


then normal keypad should change to hacker cracker and master should be buffed past that point


Yea thats what im saying. The master should be buffed

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