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{GN} Isaac suggestions

{GN} Isaac

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Okay my first suggestion is maybe you can make it where we can shoot through walls like more realistic you know I think that would be cool 


Second suggestion maybe you could make better vip jobs like some of the vip jobs should have some type of better weapons because they are vip


Third suggestion is maybe we can have a better money pot like where it’s little and you can bring it around and you can hold it near people to get money some servers do that and it might be cool idk.



4 suggestion I think have better drug system like it could be more realistic like to grow weed you can add water and etc



5 maybe add a stripper job where you can get money for danceing / having sex with them for money idk some servers have that and kyanite prett funny 

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Okay my first suggestion is maybe you can make it where we can shoot through walls like more realistic you know I think that would be cool 

Fences are fine, moving to a penetration system would be bad in general.

Second suggestion maybe you could make better vip jobs like some of the vip jobs should have some type of better weapons because they are vip

Semi-agree, VIP jobs are fine as they are but having a little more oomph to make them, you know, more VIP feeling would be cool. I was thinking VIP's could also get a small perk of making it instead of 100k/15s$ to edit cc items it could be a little cheaper, like 75k/10s$.

Third suggestion is maybe we can have a better money pot like where it’s little and you can bring it around and you can hold it near people to get money some servers do that and it might be cool idk.

I think the current money pots are fine EXCEPT you should be able to shoot them to get rid of em to stop the clutter on the sidewalks and in random buildings.

4 suggestion I think have better drug system like it could be more realistic like to grow weed you can add water and etc

I have seen this on other servers, it's okay but usually makes it really laggy

5 maybe add a stripper job where you can get money for danceing / having sex with them for money idk some servers have that and kyanite prett funny 

Have seen that but I'm pretty sure you could do that with CCs.

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