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[Pls Help] Server FPS and Client Performance


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I am working hard on more optimizations but I am curious to get some information out of you guys. I want this server to cater to the people who have low-tier computers so everyone can play without saying "This server eats poo cus i get 12 fps". Plus there is some addon causing a memory leak during gameplay which should not happen.

I have been running countless debugging tools throughout the past week to get some more information on hooks that eat FPS. Here is what I have came up with:




Third Person script: 5 - 8 FPS when not active -> 10 - 15 FPS loss when active

Business Script: Runs 2 timers at a 0 second interval for checking and running them which may be causing a memory leak

Elastic Cuffs addon: Heavy with rendering elastics / ropes + the masking the bugbait (yes the cuff is actually bugbait). I took it out of my local server due to it filling up my debugging addons

Chess / Checkers: Drops FPS due to sending a lot of information to each client while looking directly at it

Removing all models from the server: Had 0 frame increase

Removing all weapons / features from the workshop collection: 20 - 40 FPS increase




The FPS on the server currently is not too bad. It's certainly not a haven for potatoes but it's also not a heck for some super computers. The way the FPS gets lower is by some memory leak in the server that stores data on the client side. The previous addon that did this was Atlas Chat which is why we use the default chat now. What can possibly be causing this issue? When the user reconnects, the FPS loss will be gone and it will slowly degrade again. I will try removing my thoughts of addons. But have you personally seen your FPS drop permanently when doing something? And then when you do that certain thing again, it drops even more? It's hard to test this on my test server considering its only bots and me but I am trying my best!


What I want from you guys


  • Average FPS in the server. You can see fps by opening console and typing net_graph 1
  • Current Specifications of your computer
  • (Optional) Where you think the memory leak is coming from

I will start:

  • 120 FPS on joining a full session -> 50 - 70 FPS within 30 - 60 minutes of playing
  •  i7-4790k @ 4.3ghz, GTX 980, 16GB Ram, Windows 10
  • Personally, I think the Business addon + chat tags since it runs constant timers for each player + the chat tags runs a hook on every chat line which builds up over time. I will remove this shit and see what happens.

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I am probably under the "low-tier" category:


-i7-3630K @ 2.4 GHz, GeForce GT 650M, 8GB Ram, Windows 10

-When first joining when server is full I get maybe 50fps (Lucky to get 60 fps), when playing for 30 mins to a hour I get 10fps-20fps.

-I don't know what could be causing my lag (except for my computer of course)

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Mid-tier here. 


- i5 4670 @ 3.4 GHz base/3.8 turbo, Radeon HD 7870 2 GB (Mostly irrelevant, especially for the branch of the Source engine Garry's Mod uses), 16 GB RAM, Windows 10. 


- 70 fps on join, 30-40 fps after about ten minutes. 


- Probably the load of stupid crap and weapons people request for their custom class. Also poorly scripted add-ons (i.e.: every other fucking add-on)

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80-90 on joining. Dropped to 10-20 while talking to you on Teamspeak (was 80-90 in MIDDLE of city).


i5 750 2.6ghz stock @ 3.8 ghz

16GBDDR3 1520 mhz (its a FSB limitation, cant reach 1600mhz)

XXTB of space


GTX 780 TI

Windows 7

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Mid-tier here. 


- i5 4670 @ 3.4 GHz base/3.8 turbo, Radeon HD 7870 2 GB (Mostly irrelevant, especially for the branch of the Source engine Garry's Mod uses), 16 GB RAM, Windows 10. 


- 70 fps on join, 30-40 fps after about ten minutes. 


- Probably the load of stupid crap and weapons people request for their custom class. Also poorly scripted add-ons (i.e.: every other fucking add-on)


Nah. While weapons do take away initial FPS, it's not like that. The initial joining FPS is supposed to be the ballpark for all the time cases around town. The super main problem is the memory leak which we solved before. It was great when you used to join the server with 100 FPS and leave with 100 FPS.


Edit: Just ran a server with all addons except for my "modifiedweps" pack which contains third person, sitting, all tools and some general weapons and it boosted my FPS by 20 - 30


Update: Ran some benchmarks with the modified weapons gone and this is what I got



I will look into the 2 most probable causes for this and I will see what happens.

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Nah. While weapons do take away initial FPS, it's not like that. The initial joining FPS is supposed to be the ballpark for all the time cases around town. The super main problem is the memory leak which we solved before. It was great when you used to join the server with 100 FPS and leave with 100 FPS.


Edit: Just ran a server with all addons except for my "modifiedweps" pack which contains third person, sitting, all tools and some general weapons and it boosted my FPS by 20 - 30


Update: Ran some benchmarks with the modified weapons gone and this is what I got



I will look into the 2 most probable causes for this and I will see what happens.

I see. 


It seems that a lot of the addons people sell have seriously terrible methods to accomplish some of their tasks, such as trusting the client (a lot of the ATM scripts, for some stupid reason), and some of them can cause a lot of memory leaks. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't even a "heavy" soon causing the problem, but rather a poorly written small script. I've seen quite a few myself.

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Okay, so I ran even more tests and the issue seems to be mainly in the scripts while workshop content is also causing a small drop in FPS.




I will start by removing a ton of scripts that we have that are relatively useless / heavy. They were more of a luxury.

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