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banned for killing kidnappers


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the thing is he could have walked down and arrested me or told someone to, its like stealing... Try to non violently steal first and if not then go violent. Try to arrest first but if you put yourself ontop of the roof to purposely shoot people who breaking the law



Before the change of the rule the argument was that a regular CP Sniper class in most positions would not have the necessary time to be able to catch a kidnapper via nonlethal means, especially if their only other option is to contact other CP, who may not even be in the area.


For example, someone uses adrenaline and stealth camo, kidnaps and runs down the dark cinema alley towards the massive and confusing sewer system. As my own CP CC, sure maybe I could catch him if I wanted to, but a regular job would not have access to the types of equipment needed to counter that, such as shadow knife and instacuff. So kidnap was added to things CP could KoS for (in the metaphorical collective ruleset that sits in staff's heads).


Another issue is that despite this always being a rule as far as most people can tell, no one can find any reference to it besides in a CP Guide written by me, which I assume I based off of prior knowledge due to sugar and all admins agreeing with it previously. But sugar deemed it invasive to RP and unnecessary. So the whole Staff Team will be reformed to encourage RP solutions to most problems, which will help to take the load of stress off of staff and players alike.


Basically, it's time to get over it lulz issagame

Thank you all for such a quick response. Really shows the quality of the server and its mods.


No problem! Just keep Iin mind this is a very new and rapid change that only some staff are aware of at this point, so as far as Tass knew he was doing (almost) everything exactly as he should be otherwise.

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In my experience some mods have set up a cp box on top of roofs and will kos any kidnapper kidnapping someone. As far as im concerned im pretty sure ypu can kos a kidnapper if you are unable to attempt an arrest


I've seen this. I've done this. I've been shot down by at least two admins for kidnapping. Mods have been shooting me down for kidnap at least since I joined the server. Sugar said a few days ago it's valid RP and to resolve your own issues in RP like tell the mayor. It's attempted murder/deadly assault, but worse.


Just another quick edit to round off the night. Might i say that in MOTD it says its a "serious" fine... A fine which is not KOS


What is a KOS fine and where can I find one in the MOTD?


As in a KOS fine i mean as it is a fine and not a KOS order/law

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I remember seeing a similar discussion to this one regarding whether or not kidnapping is a kosable offence for cops regardless of the laws in place. I remember there being a response from sugar basically stating how "kidnapping is a threat and can be dealt with however is more convenient at the time, kos or aos." Cant find the actual post though but im pretty sure its out there unless it got deleted.

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I remember seeing a similar discussion to this one regarding whether or not kidnapping is a kosable offence for cops regardless of the laws in place. I remember there being a response from sugar basically stating how "kidnapping is a threat and can be dealt with however is more convenient at the time, kos or aos." Cant find the actual post though but im pretty sure its out there unless it got deleted.


I have screenshots of his latest statements about it, I am starting a discussion on it soon hopefully today that will link all the references together

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