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PD Door Bug

just sauce

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Bug / Exploit / Quality of Life


Description:During a pd raid, i finally got into the main room, where the "office" was or where the vault was, i instantly noticed that i could buy the doors to the office, secret door, and vault, as a non-cp [i was on someones cc] and so could my other friend, as well as sell it, allow co-own, etc which in turn can result in some problems with the pd, as for say the mayor wouldn't be able to get in to any 3 of those areas if someone was quick enough..


How to reproduce:Enter the pd, if you happen to be on the server with not that many people, by chance you might see "F2 To Purchase" [or something like that] Press F2 and you will be able to buy it, lock it, and unlock it, continue doing it to the vault door, and secret door.


Priority: (High, Medium, Low)


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