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Gang - DC

Dolan (2)

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STEP RIGHT UP! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. The Dark Carnival has finally arrived on TitsRP, and it wants you. Yes, YOU! Stamp your ticket, and make your way to your seats because the show is about to begin! What you are about to experience should you decide to partake, are wonders that the mind can only imagine. Actual freaks of nature all gathered together in one place, and you can be a part of the fun!


The main aim of the carnival is to create a strong family and make money by any means necessary. You however will never betray family for money, nor will you ever prioritize the needs of the individual over the needs of the family. If admitted you will swear allegiance to the carnival. This means you cannot be in any other gang while you are a member of the carnival. This does not mean you cannot leave however. Membership in the carnival is completely voluntary and can be terminated at any time!



If you think you are cut out to step under the big top, you need only do one thing! Answer the questions below!


In-game Name:


Current time played:


Current currency in possession:


Why do you want to join?:



What can you contribute to the Dark Carnival?:



Estimated raid success:






There are three rank levels in the hierarchy of the Dark Carnival, those ranks are as follows



The Lotus Pod: The topmost leadership within the Carnival, these are the people you go through to get shit done.


*The Lotus Pod is comprised of three core members of leadership which are as follows.


The Ringleader: A position held by the highest power in the carnival. The founder and leader of the Dark Carnival


The Wraith: Essentially the sergeant in arms. This position comes with the ability to coordinate gang wars. This is the member of the pod to speak to about any issues with other gangs


The Peacemaker: This position serves as the judge, taking on betrayals and helping to decide on the admittance of new members.


Together these three ranks control the day to day operation of the Dark Carnival.



The Task Mistress: The manager of the managers, this is the person to get shit done when no one else can, this role has been assigned to one person and will stick to that unless further noted.


The Hatchet Men: These are the men and women who lead the lower hierarchy into war, and procure illegal weaponry for the Carnival. The Hatchet men also confer closely with the lotus pod to carry out important objectives.



The Ryders: The new members of the Carnival. The lowest within the hierarchy. The Ryders take care of growing illegal narcotics and taking on dangerous carnival business which includes but is not limited to: gun running between gangs, running interference in order to detour police, and retrieving necessary items from merchants.



Understand that joining the Dark Carnival means you will be considered a criminal and in turn there is the risk of spending time in jail for the carnivals crimes. We however are willing to work with the police if need be as long as we are in turn given something in return. (i.e. temporary protection from enemy gangs)



All applications will be seriously considered, and a decision will be made for new applicants within a week or less (temporary because Kamala is having internet issues)



                                                                        Current Roster:                                                                                


The Lotus Pod:


The Ringleader: Kamala Gekido


The Wraith:


The Peacemaker :


The Task Mistress: Ashley


The Hatchet Men:


The Ryders: Speedy, LSD, C0uch



Exiled Members:


Allied gangs:CX


Enemy Gangs:



Current rules (WIP) as of 11/13/17

All applications will be read by Kamala and I, while yes there is only two questions Kamala goes based off of how a person is as well as the questions. Kamala is having internet issues currently so as stated in the post, applications might take longer than normal to be accepted or denied.

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     In-game Name: My in-game name is "Wrath-"


Current time played: As of 11-14-2017 have 80.2 hours played on the server alone.


Current currency in possession: I just spent 3.25mil on VIP, and right now I am at $933,277


Why do you want to join?: I would like to join because I want to feel like I am a part of a group, cause playing alone gets lonely/boring in general.



[align=center]What can you contribute to the Dark Carnival?: I make money quite quickly with the right setting (I usually grind for money for hours at a time Ez L. I'm usually active everyday (I'll notify you if I'm going on a vacation or something of that sort). On the weekends I'm active usually 10:00am to 1:00am (Yes I have sleep issues).






     Estimated raid success: My raiding success rate (if no one is fading door abusing, or doing some other spicy boy stuff) is usually 75%, but when I raid with a group of people in discord, it's about a 90% success rate.                 


                 Well, that's all I have to say, if ya wanna ask me something, or need me, my discord is "Wrath-#5586"

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