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Anonymous WolfSec (AWS)

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Nothing is an Absolute Truth;

Everything is Permitted.




1. Anonymous is an immaterial idea.

2. Anonymous is a living, breathing, entity.

3. Any individual can become Anonymous.

4. Not all can join the collective.

5. Anonymous has no head.

6. Anonymous speaks for itself.

7. No one speaks for Anonymous.

8. Justice is the will of Anonymous.

9. Chaos is justice.

10. Freedom empowers and justice unites.




1. Never hurt an innocent being.


"Treat others in the manor in which you would have them treat you."


     ―The goal of Anonymous is to ensure peace in all things. Anons believe that political insurrection and the removal of the corrupt will bring peace and a true sense of security to the common people. Attacking innocents and civilian bystanders who are not involved could spread strife and discord, in addition to ruining the name of the Anonymous itself.


2. Hide in plain sight.


"Let the people mask you such that you become one with the crowd."


     ―An Anon's aim is to get the objective stealthily, and escape just as quickly. The greatest illusion from such a feat is that the Anon seemingly materializes from nowhere, completes their mission, and vanishes into the depths of the crowd or environment. If an Anon is spotted stalking their target, the supernatural effect will be diluted, and it will be more difficult for the Anon to accomplish their task and escape.


3. Never compromise the Brotherhood.


"Your actions must never bring harm upon us – direct or indirect!"


     ―The actions of one must never bring harm to all. Especially if an Anon fails in his or her duty, and is captured or chased, he or she must never commit any action or say anything that could be tied back to the Brotherhood, or bring harm to any member of it. Remain Anonymous at all costs.





1. NEVER harm ANYBODY, for ANY REASON other than Self-Defense and/or Defense of Others.

2. NEVER commit ANY CRIME for ANY REASON other than for the Betterment of Self/Others

3. ALWAYS respect EVERYONE, especially those in positions of authority, unless they give you a reason not to.







> Peanut Butter




> ...




> covenant slayer




> Marksy

> ParallelBear

> Michael Bay





Bureau Holder: Mr Peanut Butter




> ...




> ...


Full Visitors

> RaceOpone

> Booper Scooper

> Blacnova

> Monoxide


> Tunnel Snake Piixel

> Tunnel Snake Cicada

> Wavy

> YellowGuy

> James Hepple

> Mr Sniffy


Limited Visitors


> ...




> Diamond Dogs (DD)


> Black Hand Emergency Response Team (BHERT)


> GreyGuard (GG)


> Tunnel Snakes (TS)








Steam Name:


In-Game Name:


Hours on the Server:


Usual Job on the Server:


Do you have other social media accounts? (Don't be specific)


(unlimited liners)


Goal in Life:


Goal in TitsRP Life:


Reason for Application:

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"i heard there were dragons out here... you ever seen one?" 

You seem bad enough to be an affiliate of the Tunnel Snakes.. I'd like to offer an Alliance between us. 

note: being bad is one thing. Evil is another.



This Alliance would prove our gangs friendlies, not raiding one another and protecting one another. Do you accept?

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"i heard there were dragons out here... you ever seen one?" 

You seem bad enough to be an affiliate of the Tunnel Snakes.. I'd like to offer an Alliance between us. 

note: being bad is one thing. Evil is another.



This Alliance would prove our gangs friendlies, not raiding one another and protecting one another. Do you accept?


sure! I'll accept your alliance and update the thread accordingly.

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 • Added Permissions Whitelist

 • RaceOpone, Booper Scooper, Blacnova, DC Monoxide, DC Angry African, Tunnel Snake Piixel, Tunnel Snake Cicada, Wavy, YellowGuy, James Hepple, Mr Sniffy, IT covenant slayer granted Full Visitor permissions.

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  • 4 weeks later...





Steam Name: covenant slayer


In-Game Name: covenant slayer


Hours on the Server: 243.1


Usual Job on the Server: Poop Cat CEO


Do you have other social media accounts? (Don't be specific) yes


(unlimited liners)


Goal in Life: idk havnt decided yet


Goal in TitsRP Life: get lots of money and buy a lot of ccs


Reason for Application: I want to join because this seems like a good group that has the potential to become popular and have a lot of nice people in

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Steam Name: covenant slayer


In-Game Name: covenant slayer


Hours on the Server: 153.5


Usual Job on the Server: Crazy Diabetic


Do you have other social media accounts? (Don't be specific) yes


(unlimited liners)


Goal in Life: idk havnt decided yet


Goal in TitsRP Life: get lots of money and buy a lot of ccs


Reason for Application: I want to join because this seems like a good group that has the potential to become popular and have a lot of nice people in








 • Moved covenant slayer from Full Visitors to Recruits

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Anonymous WolfSecurities, otherwise known as WolfSec or simply AWS, is an Independent Anonymous Community Organization based on an understanding of the Anonymous Idea. We are very tolerant, and we believe in a moral system known as The Creed.







Nothing is an Absolute Truth;

Everything is Permitted.




1. Anonymous is an immaterial idea.

2. Anonymous is a living, breathing, entity.

3. Any individual can become Anonymous.

4. Not all can join the collective.

5. Anonymous has no head.

6. Anonymous speaks for itself.

7. No one speaks for Anonymous.

8. Justice is the will of Anonymous.

9. Chaos is justice.

10. Freedom empowers and justice unites.




1. Never hurt an innocent being.


"Treat others in the manor in which you would have them treat you."


     ―The goal of Anonymous is to ensure peace in all things. Anons believe that political insurrection and the removal of the corrupt will bring peace and a true sense of security to the common people. Attacking innocents and civilian bystanders who are not involved could spread strife and discord, in addition to ruining the name of the Anonymous itself.


2. Hide in plain sight.


"Let the people mask you such that you become one with the crowd."


     ―An Anon's aim is to get the objective stealthily, and escape just as quickly. The greatest illusion from such a feat is that the Anon seemingly materializes from nowhere, completes their mission, and vanishes into the depths of the crowd or environment. If an Anon is spotted stalking their target, the supernatural effect will be diluted, and it will be more difficult for the Anon to accomplish their task and escape.


3. Never compromise the Brotherhood.


"Your actions must never bring harm upon us – direct or indirect!"


     ―The actions of one must never bring harm to all. Especially if an Anon fails in his or her duty, and is captured or chased, he or she must never commit any action or say anything that could be tied back to the Brotherhood, or bring harm to any member of it. Remain Anonymous at all costs.





1. NEVER harm ANYBODY, for ANY REASON other than Self-Defense and/or Defense of Others.

2. NEVER commit ANY CRIME for ANY REASON other than for the Betterment of Self/Others

3. ALWAYS respect EVERYONE, especially those in positions of authority, unless they give you a reason not to.





Mentors - Mr Peanut Butter


Sifus - ...


Apprentices - ...


Recruits - covenant slayer





Holder - Mr Peanut Butter


Influencers - ...


Contributors - ...


Full Visitors - 

 • RaceOpone

 • Booper Scooper

 • Blacnova

 • DC Monoxide


 • Tunnel Snake Piixel

 • Tunnel Snake Cicada

 • Wavy

 • YellowGuy

 • James Hepple

 • Mr Sniffy


Limited Visitors - ...





 • Diamond Dogs


 • Grey Guard


 • Dark Carnival


 • Tunnel Snakes






Steam Name:Lemme get uhhhhhh


In-Game Name: Michael Bay


Hours on the Server:158


Usual Job on the Server:CC called Fly Time (thief class)


Do you have other social media accounts? (Don't be specific) - Yes i do, im gonna give them if requested


(unlimited liners)


Goal in Life: My goal in life is to be successful in a non-harming way. I want to be as healthy and fit and of course community helping as possible, because to help others is to help yourself.


Goal in TitsRP Life: My goal in this server would be to be promoted to staff so i could clean up the community as much as possible and to be the friendliest guy there.


Reason for Application: As long as i`ve been on the server, i have always seen the AWS clan on it at any time of the day or night and for that i give them major respect. They are known troughout the server and i would like to be a part of it to be known for something.

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Steam Name:Lemme get uhhhhhh


In-Game Name: Michael Bay


Hours on the Server:158


Usual Job on the Server:CC called Fly Time (thief class)


Do you have other social media accounts? (Don't be specific) - Yes i do, im gonna give them if requested


(unlimited liners)


Goal in Life: My goal in life is to be successful in a non-harming way. I want to be as healthy and fit and of course community helping as possible, because to help others is to help yourself.


Goal in TitsRP Life: My goal in this server would be to be promoted to staff so i could clean up the community as much as possible and to be the friendliest guy there.


Reason for Application: As long as i`ve been on the server, i have always seen the AWS clan on it at any time of the day or night and for that i give them major respect. They are known troughout the server and i would like to be a part of it to be known for something.




you seem like you will be a great addition to the group. You may change your name to include AWS Recruit





 • Complete Reformat

 • Removed Dark Carnival from Protected Groups

 • Added Black Hand Emergency Response Team to Protected Groups

 • Moved covenant slayer from Recruits to Apprentices

 • Added Marksy, ParallelBear, and Michael Bay to Recruits

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