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Reason as to why I haven't came back.


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Hi guys. It's ya boi..


Anyways, ehm I hope you all haven't noticed.. But.. I have been inactive. For like a few days or so, now I know that isn't bad 

But it sucks for me, and probably the staff team. Cause yesterday I came on and saw a FUCKTON of sits , like 2 per each 1 Claimed.


And it's fucking intense recently. Though this isn't a "Resign" or a "Good bye" post.. but I'd like to clear out that In the last few days we've had friends stay over.

Cause they're chill. And so basically both of them have different wake up times. So at the times at which i was supposed to be active in. That was fucked up. Now i'll have to wait till fucking jesus lands on earth and fixes our internet, or till I get lucky, That's why I keep coming for like 5 minutes to check and then leaving 5 minutes after, 


I just thought i'd update you.


I can already feel Poke saying "Poor African Egyptian Cicada with his bad Pyramid internet" or he hopefully  got over the meme.. or has he?..


Anyways I might come in a few days actively again.. but till now.. Idk.. I'll be active on the Forums though, more than usual.

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