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Please get better mods!


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beyond annoying to continue to get Rdm, call for mods for 20 min an not a single one help me, need some actual mods that are gonna ban ppl for legit things


would be a much better server if u actually replied to @ calls instead of going AFK


yes I shot a mod and guess what? instand ban, funny it only matters when the mod gets rdmd,


fkn pathetic titsrp beyond pathetic

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I don't think people realize just how many sits get called. and why would you shoot a staff in the first place. you seem like a salty minge. your sit is not the only one that matters.



Causing Petty Drama - 1 week warning for 90% to 1 week Forum Ban. 

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nope wasn't minging at all, and to prove a point, the mods just sit around AFK lol, and this server isn't that big so no way that many get called to where they cant reply in 20 damn min sorry..


and I shot a staff to prove that when they get rdmd its instantly covered

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nope wasn't minging at all, and to prove a point, the mods just sit around AFK lol, and this server isn't that big so no way that many get called to where they cant reply in 20 damn min sorry..


and I shot a staff to prove that when they get rdmd its instantly covered



  1. You would't know you're not staff buddy. constant 80-90 people on at all times.
  2. and sits go away after a few mins so if staff is busy when yours is called it probably went away before they got to it.
  3. don't do stupid shit and you won't be banned. its not hard.
  4. and randomly killing a staff is minging bud


if you think you could do so much better feel free to apply for staff.

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Okay maybe I can shed a little light here. When you call for a sit, we get a little notification in the top left corner of the screen. Within an hour on a normal day at least twenty of these come up, usually more actually. We read through these reports and organize them based on priority. Unfortunately however these notifications only stay up for a minute and if we're already in a sit it's easy to miss another notification of priority. 

Not to mention the people who recognize us as staff and pull us over on the street to answer questions or handle issues off the record. I understand the frustration, however please do try to understand that we do the best we can . We can't always get to everyone in a timely fashion, and flying off the cuff by killing a member of staff for no reason does nothing to help your case, in fact it hinders you greatly as you may now know. Just be patient, you may have to call staff four times before it's seen, but eventually it will be seen and handled . We're people just like you, we want to play the game sometimes too, and we may make mistakes, but the staff on the server do the ABSOLUTE best we can. And we need your help in being patient to ensure that we are able to continue to do everything we can to help the users the best way we can.

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i totally understand staff gets a lot of notifications but when a few of the staff go AFK and don't reply to sits at all? the mod I killed was just sitting AFK, why even sign on and mod if ur gonna afk? and I call for mods multiple times within an hour, and I wasn't flying off the cuff I was simply proving a point that no matter how many u have in line, if I RDM a staff its instantly taken care off, or if someone has VIP its more seriously handled, and yea I admit after calling for an admin 5-6 times I get pissed and say fuck this fuck that wow wtf etc. If its that hard to keep up their needs to be more staff, ive never once been replied to about a sit, and ive played for a few days now, just crazy that somehow when I kill someone and its not even rdm I end up in a sit from the other guys report, but when I get mass rdm over and over and nicely ask for a mod I don't get a reply, or even a were busy we will help shortly

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i totally understand staff gets a lot of notifications but when a few of the staff go AFK and don't reply to sits at all? the mod I killed was just sitting AFK, why even sign on and mod if ur gonna afk? and I call for mods multiple times within an hour, and I wasn't flying off the cuff I was simply proving a point that no matter how many u have in line, if I RDM a staff its instantly taken care off, or if someone has VIP its more seriously handled, and yea I admit after calling for an admin 5-6 times I get pissed and say fuck this fuck that wow wtf etc. If its that hard to keep up their needs to be more staff, ive never once been replied to about a sit, and ive played for a few days now, just crazy that somehow when I kill someone and its not even rdm I end up in a sit from the other guys report, but when I get mass rdm over and over and nicely ask for a mod I don't get a reply, or even a were busy we will help shortly


Most of us, I'm sure, don't plan on having to be afk, but sometimes things pop up irl that have to be dealt with immediately despite how much we wanna hear you bitch about other minges.


If you call a mod multiple times an hour, think about how many reports that is for staff and multiply it by 90.


It's a lot easier to handle a sit that directly involves us than investigating a sit that had nothing to do with us.


it does not show if a player is VIP when a report is filed, however if there is any bias towards VIPs, it's probably because they are better known on the server and / or known to be trustworthy, not BECAUSE they have VIP, but because they have obviously been around long enough and stayed out of trouble to have VIP in the first place, and have probably filed enough reports that several staff know or know of them and whether their sits are serious or not.


and I highly doubt you have NEVER had a report claimed, unless your reports look like dog shit when you type them.

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i totally understand staff gets a lot of notifications but when a few of the staff go AFK and don't reply to sits at all? the mod I killed was just sitting AFK, why even sign on and mod if ur gonna afk? and I call for mods multiple times within an hour, and I wasn't flying off the cuff I was simply proving a point that no matter how many u have in line, if I RDM a staff its instantly taken care off, or if someone has VIP its more seriously handled, and yea I admit after calling for an admin 5-6 times I get pissed and say fuck this fuck that wow wtf etc. If its that hard to keep up their needs to be more staff, ive never once been replied to about a sit, and ive played for a few days now, just crazy that somehow when I kill someone and its not even rdm I end up in a sit from the other guys report, but when I get mass rdm over and over and nicely ask for a mod I don't get a reply, or even a were busy we will help shortly



And if you watch chat when there are mods on we are constantly teleporting around helping people. It's not that your report doesn't matter, it's that we are so busy handling other things.


I'll admit some of the staff don't pull their own weight, and I see where you're coming  because last night I was dealing with sits alone for a good two hours because other staff was afk. But life always take priority over gaming. Things happen that we can't help. I apologize if I missed your sits last night but my screen was literally so full with sits that they were disappearing before I could claim them

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its very very rare that I get replied too, and my claims aren't complete bad, usually put rdm rda etc and the players name, and I usually see vip get 1st priority always, and the amount of players vs staff is too low if its that hard to keep up, I'm not telling yall how to do ur job just usually how ive seen stuff done, more players more staff, and the amount of stuff that's allowed is crazy, racist emblems, mic spam, all stuff that on other servers is the same punishment as rdm, and we have ppl putting boomboxes in the pd or well traveled areas blasting intentially annoying music or racist stuff, and the second I kill anyone spamming I'm the one that gets in trouble lol not the minge.


ive seen several mods go AFK and its fine to have IRL stuff but in a sense this is a job and when u go to work u think they are gonna just let u leave to do irl stuff whenever? I got rdmd 5 times by one police while I was police, and I kill a mod and insta ban, no chance to even say why I did the stupid shit I did ya know?

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