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Why Jigsaw should be removed.


Remove Jigsaw?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Remove Jigsaw?

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    • 2) No

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Recently today, I had just bought 4 maxed out printers, 3 Maxed out processors and 2 Pro miners. The Jigsaw:zachthehacker did !sleep and teleported into my abse and didnt directly kill himself right after, so my base mate ran after him trying to kill him, however, he ran into the room filled with all the money printing devices and my baser missed a shot and all of my stuff exploded. Thatoneguy72 explained how everything happened through the logs.



Im really salty.

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If the jigsaw did blow up the printers there's nothing wrong... Get better aim?


His friend he was basing with shot and blew up their printers while trying to shoot the jigsaw apparently

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That doesn't give a reason to want to remove jigsaw lol you hear music when it's coming so you can be prepared


I never said it was a reason to remove jigsaw lol, this thread is a maymay

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