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First of all, you killed someone three times it was not your cousin and friend. And if you wanna call out staff for banning you then make a fucking report.


fuck off pippy you guys are the most butt hurt people on that server. gj me and my friend were trying to mess around and build a mod sit area then ur ass shows up and everything goes down hill like holy fucking shit

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First of all, you killed someone three times it was not your cousin and friend. And if you wanna call out staff for banning you then make a fucking report.


fuck off pippy you guys are the most butt hurt people on that server. gj me and my friend were trying to mess around and build a mod sit area then ur ass shows up and everything goes down hill like holy fucking shit


Actually you were breaking multiple rules, for one you were warning people for general actions, you said that RaceOpone "looked at you wierd" and multiple times you warned him and continued to kill him after warning him for just standing there in a public area. Honestly, i'm pretty sure only one or two staff used that sit area of yours. You act as if it was such a big deal. If you have an issue with any staff member banning you make a report and don't bitch about it in the discussion section. You also attempted to run away from the sit multiple times saying that you wanted to "grill some burgers" using some props of yours. The ban was 100% right and you should not be unbanned until those 4 days are over. I suggest when you come back don't start shit with people.

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First of all, you killed someone three times it was not your cousin and friend. And if you wanna call out staff for banning you then make a fucking report.


fuck off pippy you guys are the most butt hurt people on that server. gj me and my friend were trying to mess around and build a mod sit area then ur ass shows up and everything goes down hill like holy fucking shit


Actually you were breaking multiple rules, for one you were warning people for general actions, you said that RaceOpone "looked at you wierd" and multiple times you warned him and continued to kill him after warning him for just standing there in a public area. Honestly, i'm pretty sure only one or two staff used that sit area of yours. You act as if it was such a big deal. If you have an issue with any staff member banning you make a report and don't bitch about it in the discussion section. You also attempted to run away from the sit multiple times saying that you wanted to "grill some burgers" using some props of yours. The ban was 100% right and you should not be unbanned until those 4 days are over. I suggest when you come back don't start shit with people.

you can actually fuck off. it was just something for me and my friend to do. right when ur dumbasses banned me for mass rdm for killing him twice for 4 days my friend left cause thats the only fucking fun we had on it. i suggest you dont come fuck with peoples fun. your are literally the most butt hurt trial mod on that server. anyone would of laughed but you literally got mad when yo u saw it.

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moist is dumb as fuck. killed my cousin and my friend in front of him and he bans me for mass rdm. what the actual heck I'm so fucking done with this fucking server


It was RaceOpone that you killed or at least tried to kill 3 times. Along with that you rushed me and attempted to run from the sit.

And like other people said. If you have a problem or would like to be unbanned, then make a report.

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