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Jobs that actually make money

IT Joe

More Jobs that make money  

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  1. 1. More Jobs that make money

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theres should be jobs that make money like farmers or parcel runners. Any one can buy bit miners and printers, mine and chop trees, grow and sell the dank kush, craft sledge hammers to sell, Its not unique. Maybe have a job that can only mine and chop wood for more money. That would also make the prossesor more usefull if it puked out a pickaxe. Maybe farmers that can be the only class to buy plant plots and more than 3.

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well heres a idea name 


illegal Bond broker 

Vip permission (yes) 

job description ( so you failed wallstreet now your selling illegal bonds to players just don't get caught)


the illegal bond broker will have two tiers of bonds 

tier 1 (cost) 10,000 non illegal can't be shutdown/taken by cops makes interest every hour

tier 2 (cost) 20,000 non legal can be come legalized from mayor choice builds interest every 40 minutes

tier 3 (Cost) 30,000 very illegal can be confiscated by police and arrested builds interest every 30 minutes 

tier 4 (Cost) 40,000 extremely illegal can be confiscated by police and shutdown immediately if found distributed 20 minutes same with tier 5 police will be notified but the award for shutting down the illegal bonds will be smaller around 10-20,000

tier 5 (cost) 100,000 highly illegal only 5 can be sold maximum to the whole server for the whole day only 2 per person if the person leaves 2 slots for it will be opened up so a new player can buy them these stocks build up every 10 minutes but to nerf it from being abused police will be alerted for each highly illegal sale that " A Illegal Government bond was sold find it and shut it down for good" The cop who finds it will get a 40,000 reward that will be divided upon the whole pd  


if your thinking how does the broker make money? well he gets a small 1-2% of the money you invest with him

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well heres a idea name 


illegal Bond broker 

Vip permission (yes) 

job description ( so you failed wallstreet now your selling illegal bonds to players just don't get caught)


the illegal bond broker will have two tiers of bonds 

tier 1 (cost) 10,000 non illegal can't be shutdown/taken by cops makes interest every hour

tier 2 (cost) 20,000 non legal can be come legalized from mayor choice builds interest every 40 minutes

tier 3 (Cost) 30,000 very illegal can be confiscated by police and arrested builds interest every 30 minutes 

tier 4 (Cost) 40,000 extremely illegal can be confiscated by police and shutdown immediately if found distributed 20 minutes same with tier 5 police will be notified but the award for shutting down the illegal bonds will be smaller around 10-20,000

tier 5 (cost) 100,000 highly illegal only 5 can be sold maximum to the whole server for the whole day only 2 per person if the person leaves 2 slots for it will be opened up so a new player can buy them these stocks build up every 10 minutes but to nerf it from being abused police will be alerted for each highly illegal sale that " A Illegal Government bond was sold find it and shut it down for good" The cop who finds it will get a 40,000 reward that will be divided upon the whole pd  


if your thinking how does the broker make money? well he gets a small 1-2% of the money you invest with him


Jobs like these are cool but when you have to put trust into your players to play the game correctly without farming cash then you're going to have a bad economy. That is why a lot of jobs / items are conditional and take time for cash. Any job that doesn't rely on another person's cooperation usually has a higher payout because you can't abuse it.


More ways to make money will be in the server for the next update so you shouldn't have to worry

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well heres a idea name 


illegal Bond broker 

Vip permission (yes) 

job description ( so you failed wallstreet now your selling illegal bonds to players just don't get caught)


the illegal bond broker will have two tiers of bonds 

tier 1 (cost) 10,000 non illegal can't be shutdown/taken by cops makes interest every hour

tier 2 (cost) 20,000 non legal can be come legalized from mayor choice builds interest every 40 minutes

tier 3 (Cost) 30,000 very illegal can be confiscated by police and arrested builds interest every 30 minutes 

tier 4 (Cost) 40,000 extremely illegal can be confiscated by police and shutdown immediately if found distributed 20 minutes same with tier 5 police will be notified but the award for shutting down the illegal bonds will be smaller around 10-20,000

tier 5 (cost) 100,000 highly illegal only 5 can be sold maximum to the whole server for the whole day only 2 per person if the person leaves 2 slots for it will be opened up so a new player can buy them these stocks build up every 10 minutes but to nerf it from being abused police will be alerted for each highly illegal sale that " A Illegal Government bond was sold find it and shut it down for good" The cop who finds it will get a 40,000 reward that will be divided upon the whole pd  


if your thinking how does the broker make money? well he gets a small 1-2% of the money you invest with him


Jobs like these are cool but when you have to put trust into your players to play the game correctly without farming cash then you're going to have a bad economy. That is why a lot of jobs / items are conditional and take time for cash. Any job that doesn't rely on another person's cooperation usually has a higher payout because you can't abuse it.


More ways to make money will be in the server for the next update so you shouldn't have to worry

alright dad plus will you open up the test server so we could have a glimpse at them

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Just a few suggestions...



Hazmat was a great idea, but it's too boring and repetitive which is why nobody plays it.

How about making a parent job to it (say CDC Scientist) that develops vaccines and cures for multiple different diseases and sells them to the public? It doesn't have to be just ebola.


Food service jobs? Why don't we actually use hungermod, which is disabled by default in DarkRP.


Wallet should have a cap, say $20,000. Any more than that gets put into an account at the bank, and the bank manager makes profits by investing players' money. He can also pay bank guards / tellers to protect the bank from raids.

This would help keep the economy balanced. If the bank manager fucks up and loses all the player's money, then they have to actually work again to make the money back. Of course, it wouldn't be all the money, but a significant potion of it should be allowed to be invested, leaving some for security. There are people running around with millions of dollars and all they do is raid people, which is really fucking annoying. I personally as a player hate raiding. I've never raided a single person on this server in the almost 100 hours I have on it, yet the only legitimate way to make money is to be a CP, which still involves a lot of raiding...


Bus / taxi drivers (other jobs shouldn't be allowed to spawn cars, but Taxi drivers should be able to spawn a car for a price and drive people around to make a profit)


Code Enforcement. The mayor could be able to make laws about how you build a base and code enforcement can fine people for violating the code.


Mailman - delivers advertisements and packages (shipments for example) to people for a price.


Teacher / students - not sure how effective / enforceable this would be though... Maybe someone has an idea for it.


Janitors - clean up blood stains from the streets and patch bullet holes for payment, answering to the mayor.


Farmer - grow crops to sell to restaurants to make food.

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