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Sirlepepe's Dream Class (This is 100% Real )


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Ok fuck bois let me tell you about my weird dreams! I woke up at 3PM there was a party going on in the backyard of my house

! So I went there and went to the people my age.I talked to my friend Jackson,Garret and my other friend Kim! (Those are fake names) " Wanna go upstairs and play CoD Zombies"? (This is where my dream gets weird) We play for a while then....(Im just gonna tell you now that in my dreams sometimes I watch them by sitting around and Im no where in the dream and thats happening now, so im just watching myself in my own dream :s :s :s im talking for myself even tho me real self was flying around watching my other self doing stuff in my own dream.... Im so stupid) Kim Kisses "Me" from nowhere and then( This chunk of the dream was forgotten ) We are videochatting even tho the party last for 7 days and ( This part was forgotten) We broke up and I was fucking confused cause he didnt no what happened (me too) then blah blah blah Near the end of the party cleaning up. Then Kim was on the last trash then I got up and be like " I lvlelvove you :C" then she punches me in the face and then my dream ends

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