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Questions about basing/countering


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I was just in a sit where we had a kind of controversial question. So the situation was that me and my friend were raiding and we killed the only owner of the front door. we then got inside and after we did some other guy came and killed us. They were in a party, but no basing together and he did not advert counter or warns or anything, he also did no see the raid start or anything he was not near the base when we started raiding. Is this rdm? Are any rules broken? If you have any questions about the altercation ask and i'll reply.

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If you look on the MOTD, the only /adverts that exist are: PD Raid/PD Heist, so there is no need to /advert Counter or anything else.


The player may have been told by his/her party that they had been raided and that made him go to you and counter.

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Were you alerted to their presence in any way? or did they just bust in and merc you. Based on my understanding, they would need to Involve themselves somehow In an RP scenario in order to counter, for example, one cannot simply kill a CP who is detaining someone to help the detained person, however they CAN, if they make some kind of announcement in chat or voice chat, like "hey! why are you arresting my friend??" beforehand so that the CP would know that it was not simply an RDM. In YOUR case in particular, I'm not sure, because I don't know if raiding is considered RP, or if it's different, because you don't really have to base, but you do have to RP.

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I don't agree personally, but it is 100% legit because they were in a party UNLESS the person that died (the base owner)  told his party member after he died, then the base owner broke NLR.


Quote from Neko


Like, the whole reason you need to get involved first before killing someone who is killing X person is to make it so it's NOT low effort RP.


If you aren't involved in any way to the person, NOW you need to talk it out first. Being in a party ALREADY makes you involved with the person. Hence the reason people make parties!

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No matter what this is now RDM. 

If anything is is failed to get involved.


I personally do not think being in a party is involvement enough to counter a raid. 

Mainly because 9/10 the person who died does tell the party to go to their base.


I think that before countering any actions you should have to be involved by talking to the person you are going to counter. 


Even just something simple like:

Leave my friend/friends base alone or i will kill you.




Stop raiding or you are dead. 


Just something simple so that it is clearly established that you are going to counter.


Also these warnings can be giving through text as long as it is not ooc. So advert, yell, or normal chat as long as the person can hear it. 

But it can also be done through voice. 


We are trying to add more RP into the server so it is not just RDMRP.


I believe Neko's stance on this is that being in a party means you are involved by default. 


But I do not know where sugar stands.

It is possible that like me he would also want more RP on the server and think that being in a party is not enough.

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