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So I got in a sit and was wondering because in the MOTD there is no section on the revolt so I just wanted to ask for the MOTD:


Raiding Cooldown: There is no cooldown but you cannot raid the same person again within 20 minutes is in the MOTD


So if this is the case can you raid after going in the PD during a revolt? the word revolt is in the MOTD 0 times so I think this needs to be updated.

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From my understanding a revolt is just so you can kill the mayor. If you want to rob the PD bank you have to advert a raid. 


Now I also believe that the same 20 minute cool down does not apply to the PD the PD has its own 15 minute cool down and the rules say they can not go back and try again right away. They must wait and try again later. 

No specific cooldown besides the cool down for the actual bank. 


Aswing revolt rules and pd raiding rules would be amazing. 


Basically this:


You can only raid the PD of the cooldown on the PD bank is over and ready to raid. 


You have to wait 15 minutes before you can attempt to raid the PD bank again. 


You can only revolt if you give an RP reason.


I do not like law #8

You taxed us



Any of these or all of these would be great rules to be added just to clear up some grey areas.

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From my understanding a revolt is just so you can kill the mayor. If you want to rob the PD bank you have to advert a raid. 


Now I also believe that the same 20 minute cool down does not apply to the PD the PD has its own 15 minute cool down and the rules say they can not go back and try again right away. They must wait and try again later. 

No specific cooldown besides the cool down for the actual bank. 


Aswing revolt rules and pd raiding rules would be amazing. 


Basically this:


You can only raid the PD of the cooldown on the PD bank is over and ready to raid. 


You have to wait 15 minutes before you can attempt to raid the PD bank again. 


You can only revolt if you give an RP reason.


I do not like law #8

You taxed us



Any of these or all of these would be great rules to be added just to clear up some grey areas.


100% what I was thinking rules like that

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From my understanding a revolt is just so you can kill the mayor. If you want to rob the PD bank you have to advert a raid. 


Now I also believe that the same 20 minute cool down does not apply to the PD the PD has its own 15 minute cool down and the rules say they can not go back and try again right away. They must wait and try again later. 

No specific cooldown besides the cool down for the actual bank. 


Aswing revolt rules and pd raiding rules would be amazing. 


Basically this:


You can only raid the PD of the cooldown on the PD bank is over and ready to raid. 


You have to wait 15 minutes before you can attempt to raid the PD bank again. 


You can only revolt if you give an RP reason.


I do not like law #8

You taxed us



Any of these or all of these would be great rules to be added just to clear up some grey areas.


100% what I was thinking rules like that


If I didn't know any better I swear we think almost the same. You always agreeing with me and posting stuff I forget to post. 


+1 for Quarel Kraken

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