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Loop Holes in Rules


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if you are editing motd please consider making fda rules more clear. i have ran into people who were fdaing many times without them even knowing. for example people don't know that using a button to open a fading door that is being lockpicked is still considered fda.


The rules say this:

Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use your keypad or bound key to toggle the door to shoot out of in an instant. You can do this when no one else is around but do not do it when you're getting raided.


If someone is around you and trying to raid you, using your key to open the door is FDA


As Blacnova said loopholes are generally considered silly. Most of the "loopholes" people cite are from people that are intentionally trying to break rules or people who cannot understand a rule completely. Some of them are legit and do require more defining. Here are three "loopholes" that came up in the past few days


Anyone can build on the sidewalks / streets because it doesn't explicitly say you cannot

Fair enough, while it should go without saying, it was added to the misc rules


A hitman can raid because they are under the mercenary section and it says that mercenaries can raid

It specifically said "You can raid / heist / mug / ect if you're hired and you're a mercenary" which obviously is just bad reading on their end since everything was in red meaning you cannot do it


I can scam IRL money from people for CC stuff because I am allowed to scam in game

In game and out of game are 2 different worlds. If you're caught doing malicious acts and manipulating people for real money, you will not be welcomed in this community.

But of course, if you think something needs explaining then let me know

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Any loopholes used can result in a kick or even a ban. You are meant to use common sense. You not using it is stupid and of course you can be punished for it. As of now the rules are fine as is.


Why are you still commenting here lol

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