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Was successfully raided thanks to an admin.


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He didn't do the right thing. I said I was stuck because I was in the ceiling when a raid started happening. I called for an admin and said that. He refused to return me to my base after asked to. So I just lost everything I had.

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Who, what, where, why, how?


Quarel Polinese was the one who did it.


Seriously who the fuck cares? This is such a pointless post. This isn't fucking facebook.


So something will be done about these fucking pay for staff kiddies not doing their job right.

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Please do explain how bitching on a discussion post is going to solve anything. I would love to hear it. Also while you are at it, show some proof of him doing this action.


Really easy to show proof when he didn't use text chat. Why the fuck would I lie about this.

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Please do explain how bitching on a discussion post is going to solve anything. I would love to hear it. Also while you are at it, show some proof of him doing this action.


Really easy to show proof when he didn't use text chat. Why the fuck would I lie about this.


Because tons of people lie to get a certain staff member demoted, and it never works. Been there, done that. And if it's easy to show proof, then show it.

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Please do explain how bitching on a discussion post is going to solve anything. I would love to hear it. Also while you are at it, show some proof of him doing this action.


Really easy to show proof when he didn't use text chat. Why the fuck would I lie about this.


Because tons of people lie to get a certain staff member demoted, and it never works. Been there, done that. And if it's easy to show proof, then show it.

that was sarcasm btw. sorry for being so rude I'm just mad I recently donated and got some money and I keep getting raided due to bs like this.

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Please do explain how bitching on a discussion post is going to solve anything. I would love to hear it. Also while you are at it, show some proof of him doing this action.


Really easy to show proof when he didn't use text chat. Why the fuck would I lie about this.


Because tons of people lie to get a certain staff member demoted, and it never works. Been there, done that. And if it's easy to show proof, then show it.

that was sarcasm btw. sorry for being so rude I'm just mad I recently donated and got some money and I keep getting raided due to bs like this.


Tried typing in a full detailed reply to explain how you don't make any sense at all, but I just can't. Delete this thread before you make yourself look like a huge cunt muffin.

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Few things, 

1) Did you want to stay in the roof?

2) When did this happen (i've done like 110 sits today)

3) How is this my fault? you did not even say what I did and honestly I forgot



I'm sorry you got raided I truly am but I do no see how this is my fault


Answer these questions for me I would like to know more so I can not do this next time.

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