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Quality of Life


Description: After 5 minutes of someone doing !terrorstart it says the terrorist attack is over, but according to the terrorist description this is when the terrorist can kill everyone


How to reproduce: either after 5 minutes the "terrorist spree has ended" needs to be changed, or the description needs to be changed. As well as once you type !terrorstart it needs to /advert Terrorist strike or something... right now it's not doing that. Or the description can be changed to introduce !terrorstart as what you're supposed to be doing.


Priority: high > Shard keeps going on mass killing sprees and its getting the server into a fuckin frenzy

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There also needs to be a system that if you are afking during a terroist attack, you get kicked off the job.


This system needs to check every minute, if a player is moving, shooting, or typing.


If you're  being sarcastic, and this is in reply to https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4022&page=4 reply there, this isn't about afk. This quality of life report is about poor wording in a class' description / job use. And a hopeful change of it.

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