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Stealth camo exploit


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How does it work?:

makes you invisible and only your shadow can be seen while your body has no outline




normal class material :



with out camo on http://prntscr.com/edlgzk


camo normal:



normal with king class material and camo with king class material as it's the only one that seems to work:


King material 1 on a class that has camo but only 1 material slot:



King material 1 on a class with 1 material slot camo




How did this happen?:

step1: Find a class with a single material slot

step2: make sure you get camo from unbox or it spawns with it (if unbox do after king step)

step3: Be king and go to clothing vendor and add the king slot 1 material to your self as this is what makes the whole thing possible

step4: go back to the class that has a single material slot and get it camo or it spawns with it and use said camo

Bam nobody can even see you now.



How do you see a solution?

basically if there is some way to make it so when you switch classes materials get reset with it that will fix the problem in it's self.


Priority: High if everyone starts using it.

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Just think about how this can mess up everyone at gen buyer we could all lose our guns by someone pocketing.

Edit: But the more you think about it the more messed up it gets, Like you can raid people with out them even knowing really.

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