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Im Back, And Ready to do Some Moderating!

Sir Stache

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I'm finally back, and I feel as though this is the time little kids need to be told they cant kill each-other the most. So I'm ready to dive back into the cesspool that is the Garry`s mod community. But I am no help at all without my moderator powers. If they could be granted to me once again I could continue fighting the good fight in Sugar's name, if he so desires. Thank you!


P.S. I probably wont disappear randomly into the night never to return again.


P.S.S. Anything I should know about that has changed in approx a year or so?

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The reason behind it is that people came back and they would poke sugar to become moderator again and Sugar would do it because he is nice guy Sugar.  Then either two scenarios came out of it.

  • Since the person been gone for sooo long they forgot the rules of the server or remember how they used to be and they would do bad in sits.
  • Then there is getting moderator and then a couple days later leave the server again.


Now we want people to re-apply to make sure these two scenarios don't apply anymore.

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