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CC Loadout bug


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Description: There's a bug that tends to happen with the cc's, It will change the loudout and apply other guns and sweps that you didn't have on your cc, As well some swep and guns get removed, And oddly enough when the owner of the cc is not in the server this happens. Only has happened to me when the cc owner is not in the current server at the time of using the cc zoidberg.



Photo's of it ingame:


Normal Loudout.

Slot1: http://prntscr.com/dusc4v


Slot2: http://prntscr.com/duscf7


Slot3: http://prntscr.com/dusg4n


Slot4: http://prntscr.com/dusft7


Slot5: http://prntscr.com/dusg9h


slot6: http://prntscr.com/dusgma


Bugged Loadout.

Slot1: http://prntscr.com/duquxc


Slot2: http://prntscr.com/duqv8w


Slot3: http://prntscr.com/duqvmd


Slot4: http://prntscr.com/duqw3s


Slot5: (Nothing was in slot 5)


slot6: http://prntscr.com/duqwbf



How it happens: It seems to happen at random as i'm aware of.


Priority: Medium

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When you own the CC and you're also the editor of the CC, you can make changes in game immediately. These changes only persist until every reset. The loadout "bug" is just the CC owner swapping around weapons from time to time

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 Noted Sugar, But this has as well happen when race was not on in game.



I would have the normal loadout, then after i die some point it would not be the same loadout for the current cc.

Which is odd as i do not own it and at this point of time he was not on or in the server it's self.


But thank you for the info.

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 Noted Sugar, But this has as well happen when race was not on in game.



I would have the normal loadout, then after i die some point it would not be the same loadout for the current cc.

Which is odd as i do not own it and at this point of time he was not on or in the server it's self.


But thank you for the info.


Even if he is not on the server, if he made previous changes to the class earlier in the day, those changes would still be there

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