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Tits RP Rules discussion page.

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Basic rule discussion.

If you think there is an ambiguous/abused rule please discuss it here.


Current Rules: 

The Rules  <-- Click

Rules Change Log: 

Rules Change Log <--- Click



PD Doors!


Only rule that involves doors in PD that is on the rules page:



Past the second PD door is Arrest on Sight unless said otherwise.





Nowhere in the rules does it say we can now lock 1st PD door..[/align]


except for here: 

Rules change log <---- Click


It literally says: 


October 12th Changelog

  • Removed that the PD always has to be open, old and stupid rule




Now as far as basing in PD:

CP and Mayor's cannot base. Clearly defined in the rules.

 So, if a Cop/Mayor builds a fading door inside of PD but does not provide the code to all of CP. Is that now PropBlock/job abuse/FailBasing?

^ This caused a pretty big debate the other night.

A Base is a private home/area designated for one or more players. Since CP cannot base, then how can a cop/mayor lock a part of PD and not provide the code to all of CP?




Fading doors:

No where in the rules page does it clearly define what we are allowed to do with faading doors as seen below:


Basing Rules

  • Fading door limit is 3
  • Fading door minimum time limit is 5 seconds

Misc Rules


  • Don't fading door abuse
  • Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use your keypad or bound key to toggle the door to shoot out of in an instant. You can do this when no one else is around but do not do it when you're getting raided.


But then: [/url]Rules Change Log < Click

This to me allows double fading doors which I know has been a big basing topic ingame.


Edit: Sugar just said Sugar Tits just said this in shoutbox.




NLR (New Life Rule)


The Rules < Click

Rules Change Log < Click


No where does it say that a Bounty Hunter cannot go back for his bounty if he dies. 





Weapons Processor:

This one came up as a recent discussion in game when a player asked if a processor was legal. No where in the rules is it defined as such. 


The answer we were given from another staff member was:

If this is true then why isn't every job that provides such weapons AoS? Also, why should the processor be illegal? It only has a "Chance" to spit out something explosive or Highly illegal, there is no guarantee. 








Since there is 2 parts to this alot of over raiding tends to happen. Which leads to more complaints from victims, as well as Raiders claiming they don't see a cooldown in the rules. This just brings up a really old topic I started before the installment of "Homeland addon." Where I personnally feel that maybe we should find a way to protect players. Like a Raid menu where the Raiders have to select whose house they are raiding, which will inturn make it so they cannot raid that person for 20 minutes. 






Calling For Admin!

So, For players who do this.. Stop it...  



For staff who claim these sits.. typically the players make a request that says "Anal Rdm'd me aisgduiausdasdawd asdawdasd awdsadaopaspjd." Stop taking these sits... Or quickly check /dlog and see if it was more than one. If it was then claim it.





Trespassing is when someone enters private property without obtaining permission. Unless the property that they have entered is public. 


This actually comes up fairly often in the server..

Here's a quicky:








Loitering is to stand or wait around idly or without apparent purpose.

That being said.. What is Loitering on TitsRP? Is it standing at their door? The sidewalk? Within Melee Range? Middle of the street in front of their base? It's ambiguous. I understand that it may fall under "common sense rules." But Commonsense in itself is ambiguous and varies from person to person.






Reasons for this thread:




Also, it seems that not every staff member agrees on each rules true meaning. Either some rules are too ambiguous, or staff and players are taking this "common sense" line in their own hands.

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For the bounty hunter one it does kinda say it in the rules that you can not go back and try to kill your target, in my opinion once a bounty hunter dies he should lose his bounty and have to wait his regular cooldown to get another one.


Going back to the road you died on to a hitman to kill the hitman NOT ALLOWED 


If we put it into example.


If you are a bounty hunter going after your target and your target kills you. You now know the general area of your targets location, and will most likely go back to that location and find him to kill him. You are going back to the spot you died at to kill your killed sounds a lot like what this rule is trying to say. 


By this rule I mean this one > Going back to the road you died on to a hitman to kill the hitman NOT ALLOWED

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"If you're killing during a raid or any other altercation that involves you attempting to kill them, do not go back to continue on. This goes for heists and other actions. You can however go back to places that your killer does not mind. "


To translate, we can simply say "Do not go back and interact with what made you die"

Now, there may be more complicated situations than this, possibly even exceptions, but this is what our NLR/defeat rule basically is. I would say that dying after attempting to kill a bounty sounds as an "altercation that involves you attempting to kill them"

(Unless we're talking about a bounty hunter dying of means other than while in a firefight with their target, then idk man)

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"If you're killing during a raid or any other altercation that involves you attempting to kill them, do not go back to continue on. This goes for heists and other actions. You can however go back to places that your killer does not mind. "


To translate, we can simply say "Do not go back and interact with what made you die"

Now, there may be more complicated situations than this, possibly even exceptions, but this is what our NLR/defeat rule basically is. I would say that dying after attempting to kill a bounty sounds as an "altercation that involves you attempting to kill them"

(Unless we're talking about a bounty hunter dying of means other than while in a firefight with their target, then idk man)






Died during a raid? Do not go back until it's over

Died During a heist? Do not go back until it's over

Someone killed you? Do not re-spawn and hunt them down


This covers pretty much everything since most jobs reset on death (assassin...etc)

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