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Requesting training for 0bsidianKnight


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So today at 12/29/2016, when I was in the server, this kid 0bsidianKnight was taking sits left and right. I thought that was good until I called for a sit because of a person coming back to abuse the m4 tranq gun 3 times after I killed him 3 times. While I was in the sit, I told him about him abusing the tranq gun and breaking NLR x3, and he was ignoring me. I had to type to him about the problem and he didn't understand what i was talking about. He then checked the damage logs and found out he killed 2 people: Some guy and me, and warned him for "RDM", and teleported me back where I was. I called him to a sit because I needed to talk to him about the false warn he did for the guy because he had no evidence of him RDMing anyone and the other guy that he killed never called a mod for RDM and I didn't call anyone because he was RDMing me (He was self defending himself from me while I raided the Police Department) and tried talking to him. He kept looking at me and kept saying "hecko? are you there?" and then I realised my god damn mic was off the whole time I was talking to him at the beginning. I told him to hold the sit until I fix it and when I did, I called him back. I told him about the false warn for him and said he didn't have any proof it was RDM,self defense, or stopping us from doing something illegal. When I told him this, he said he will get a staff member to remove the warn, and I ended the sit between him. He kept PMing me saying "how long do I ban this guy" "What do I ban this guy for?" more than 3 times. I gave him the link to the official guidelines on what to ban someone for and how long. I guess he ignored it and decided to still ask me how long he bans people and what for. I spent my whole morning walking him through on what to do and from what I can guess right now he is fucking up still. This kid NEEDS fucking training for staff. He has NO idea what he is doing ( I guess that what happens when children gets ahold of their parents credit card, and he sounds 10). I have never needed to help someone with staff because they either had training, know what to do already, or something with the knowledge of being staff. I REQUEST someone to help this little fucker before he gets himself demoted for abuse. (Not saying I wont mind because the less children we have as staff the better)

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This random guy was a cop basing with a meth maker i raided them killed both of them and they both came back i called for a sit he said " oh nlr doesnt apply" then i told him it does and he tped away... no warnings no kicks...

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He bought Trial moderator....


Sugar clearly states before you buy the rank to have prior knowledge of the rules, moderator guidelines, and all admin commands...


If you have a problem then report.


Well as far as I know he only has knowledge of the warn,ban, and jail command, and he obviously hasn't read the guidelines, and I don't think he read the MOTD. I didn't want to report the kid, I wanted him to have fucking training, Cullen. I'm not going to be that much of a damn prick to someone new to staff. All I want the kid to do is get some training.

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When you buy the rank, you're not supposed to get training (which is probably why a lot of people who buy trial mod fall off really hard) except for basic ulx binds / commands (which if you don't know that already then what r u doing). This is because I don't support people buying mod. It's just like my feeling on Custom Classes. I don't like how you pay for things at all but there are things that generate a cash flow that keep the server alive and can be dealt with if things go down the gutter. If the server, website and vps could be provided for free then I wouldn't have any donation features at all.


I would say that an easy 70% of all people who buy trial mod have absolutely no clue what they are doing. When you buy it, you are supposed to know what you're doing or else you're never going to get promote. They don't even ask for help most of the time and either stop playing or they just get demoted due to abuse.


It does say there is a 2 week period where if you fail to advance then you will be demoted. I don't entirely enforce that because either they get demoted before then or they leave and we all forget about them. I will start looking around to see who didn't hit that 2 week mark and start throwing some hands.


If some mod wants to be nice enough to train someone then definitely go for it. If you think they have potential then you can throw them a bone. But usually when it's your usual kid who wants it because he can have it....they are usually dealt sooner or later.

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I admit to one cause of abuse where I tped to a guy then killed him because he rdmed me several times and was annoying me, which was my fault and my only ever case of abuse. I've never done anything super serious such as tping to everyone, noclipping around into everyones bases, false warnings/bannings, etc. But imo I think I'm a pretty good mod, except for that one instance, which I'm sure everyone has, they just don't get caught like I did.

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I went out of my way and trained both ObsidianKnight and Dan The Man....


I taught them the moderator guidelines, ULX commands/Binds, and made them sit through a couple of sits of mine....


Like Sugar said though....

When you buy the rank, you're not supposed to get train

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